A, the letter, 333
A, the spirit of the gross and external, 301 f
Abandonment of all dharmas—See Dharmas, abandonment of all
of fruits of action, 396
Abhayam, 432
Abhyāsa, 220, 369
Absolute, the, 59, 272, 320, 335, 337,
338, 367, 405, 291, 449,486,
491, 495, 496, 502, 503, 519,
520, 537
and Bhakti, 272
mental, 518
negative, 404
of delight and beauty, 519
of inner self-mastery and control of life, 519
of intellectual truth and
reason, 519
of love, sympathy, compassion, 519
of right and conduct, 519
positive, 404-05
Absolutism, spiritual, 518
Absolutists of the spirit, 520
Ācāra, (rigid custom), 467
Acintyam, 486
Acintyarupa, 284, 311, 316, 496
Action and inaction, 29, 162
and the liberated man, 106
done according to personal desire
and done according to, Shastra, 436
done by nature, 76, 196
established standards of, 412
of the whole world, 16
tamasic, rajasic, sattwic, 458
Activism, divine, 278
Adharma, (also
ADHARMA), 158, 160, 460
Adhibhūta, 265, 266, 267
Adhidaiva, 265, 267
Adhidaivata, 162
Adhikāra, 256
Adhisthāna, 455, 456
Adhisthātrī devatā, 142
Adhiyajña, 108,. 266
Adhyaksa, 292
Adhyātma, 108, 265
Adhyatma-shastra, 435
Adityas, 332, 347
Adoration, (see also Bhakti and Devotion), 279, 298, 299, 307
Adwaita of the Gita, 411
the real, 411
Mayavadin's, 441
Visishta—of Ramanuja, (See Visishtadwaita)
Aesthetic knowledge and beauty of the Divine, 186
Agni, 110, 332, 356
Ahankara, (also Ahamkāra), 504
Ahamkrta bhāva, 497
Ahimsā, (also Ahinsa),, 49, 432, 516
Ahuramazda, 158
Ahriman, 42, 158
Aim of human existence, 57
Airavata, 333
Aiśvara yoga, 321
Akarma, 454
Akartā, 208, 210,
211, 485
Akrtsnavidah, 195, 196
Aksara purusa, 267, 365, 372, 401, 485
Aksara, (Akshara), 73, 77, 107, 118 121, 128, 129, 132, 210,
211, 212, 215, 220, 223, 372,
397, 400, 401, 404, 405, 408,
411, 484
All, the, 356, 358
-blissful, 307
-conscient, 331
-existence, 140
-knowledge, 139
-lover, 305
-ruler, (See Samrat)
-Self, 527
-Soul, 304
-spirit, 351
-will, 139
philosophic, 190
Amrta, 110, 329
(Amśa) Avatar, 140
Amsah sanatanah, 408, 496, 502
Ananda, 169, 250, 300,
306, 329-30,
; 351, 358, 364, 379, 398, 421
as utter love, 398
of creation, 358
Ananta, the serpent, 332
Ananta-guna, 338, 477
Ancestors, divinised, 303
Ancient of Days, 270, 349, 358
Indian civilisation and the
individual, 46-47
philosophies, 68
Soul, 356
urge to action, 406
Ancients, the seven, 317
Anīś, 72
Anityam asukham,
118, 120, 178
Antimony between impersonal self
and human personality, 280
between self and Nature,
Anumantā, 66, 71
Anumati, 208
Apāna, 218
Apāpaviddham, 165
Apocalypse, divine, 38
Apollonian Supermanhood, 126 ;
Apostles, 149
Apothegm of Heraclitus, 38, 39
Aprakāśa, 394
Apravrtti, 394
Archer, divine, 464
Arjuna, the disciple, 19;—the divine
man, 55;—the fighter, 20, 21; —the representative man, 20
Arjuna s inner being, 11;—recoil, 50, 51
Arjuni, the White One, 20
Ārta, 259
Arthārthī, 259
Aryaman, 333
Aryan, 22
community, tour orders
of, 467,
culture, 53, 80
fighter, 53, 54, 61,
man, 53, 54
religion, 80
Asat, 500
Ascent, 145, 146, 148, 150
of humanity into divine
birth, 148,
Ascetic inaction, 408
renunciation, (See
Sannyasa, also Renunciation)
Asceticism, physical, 52
Asiatic culture, 80 f
Asita, 327
Askesis, (See also
Tapasya), 9, 218,
225, 248, 303, 405, 442, 446,
447, 449, 453, 465, 471, 480
doers of, 225
inner, 52
of mental and moral
perfection, 447
of outward act, 447
of speech, 447
psycho-physical, 218
tamasic, rajasic, sattwic,
442, 446,47
Aspiration, 279, 296, 303,
Āśraya, 241
Association, Principle of,
Aśubham, 282
Asura-s, 160, 167, 255,
424, 429, 434
Asuric disposition, 21
force-s, 40, 444
man, 432
nature or prakrti, 141,
142, 255,
298, 431, 432, 434, 543
qualities, 54
Superman, 343
tapasya, 447
Aswattha tree, 333, 403, 406
Aswins, 347
Ātma-dāna, 448
Ātmamāyā, 142
Ātmaprasāda, 94
Ātmaśakti, 318
Ātma-samarpana, 448
Ātma-vibhūti, 329, 338
Atheistic Sankhya, 64
Attachment, 93, 95, 172
mental and vital, 500
to enjoyment of gunas, 396,
to fruits of works, 452,
to inaction, 95, 454,
to the possession and
enjoyment of
things, 535,
to work, 106, 107, 454
Avatar, 4, 12, 13, 14,16, 17, 19, 85,
123, 127, 132, 133, 134,
138, 143, 145, 147, 148, ISO,
151, 1S2, 153, 154, 155, 156,
157, 158, 159, 160,297,356,
359, 528, 531
a dual phenomenon
of humanity and divinity, 151
and crisis, 154
and exoteric Christianity,
and miracles, 151
and restoration of Dharma,
and Vibhuti, distinction between, 148
Godhead in humanity, 12,
19, 123
partial, 148
the Process or, 145-153
work of the, 157 ' .
Avatarhood, 14, 15, 133. 134, 136,
137, 139, 145, 147, 148, 149,
153, 155, 156
intermediary idea of, 148-150
the conception of, in the Gita, 14, 16
the possibility and purpose of, 133144
the Process of, 145-153
Avidyāmāya, 143
Avikārya, 72
Avyakta, 243, 311, 388f, 401, 405
Avyaktamūrti, 66
Avyaya, 406, 492
Avyavahārya, 272, 312, 486
Bāhya sparśa, 67
Bālavat, 190
Bali, 156
Bankim Chandra Chatterji,
Beauty of the Divine and
aesthetic knowledge, 186
and faith, 268-69
and non-becoming, cycle of, 271
cosmic, 209, 400
divine, 213, 269, 330, 485
divine subjective, 269
inward and outward, 288
mutable, 266
mutation of, 276
objective, 331
of the soul, 73, 268
outward, 288, 318
Powers or the, (see Powers of the Becoming and also Vibhuti)
primal qualities of, 318
spiritual, 542
subjective, 73, 249, 313,
ultimate of the soul, 268
universal, 330, 441, 529
Becomings, 77, 107, 113, 119, 123, 148, 247, 250, 268, 313,
319, 328, 377, 457, 496
and Being, (see Being and Becoming-s)
of the Divine, 319
perpetual mental, 317
psychological, 319
subjective, 249, 313, 330-31
Being and becoming-s, 58, 285, 290, 303, 318, 319, 362, 377
Consciousness and delight, (or bliss), 280, 342
Delight of, 145
divine, 36, 73, 108, 122, 182, 213, 239, 242, 273, 280, 287,
312, 313, 336, 340, 384, 418,
424, 497, 503, 517, 528, 531,
egoistic, 56
Immutable, 29, 210
impersonal, 121, 122, 325
individual-in Nature, 240, 241
manifesting in cosmos, 281
mental, (see Mental being)
mutable, 29, 31, 267
natural, 198, 342, 360, 380, 464,
503, 530, 543
original status of, 268
personal, 325, 365
psychological, 325
Self-existent, 77, 143
subjective, 266
Supernal, 301
Supreme, 12, 29, 35, 113, 129,
243, 244, 286, 290, 319,
timeless, 280, 407
transcendent, 44, 316, 360, 512
universal, 45, 286, 328, 336, 360, 382, 419,
441, 449
world, 274
Beloved, 159,492, 511, 541
Benares, death in, 269
Bethlehem, 14
Beyond, 302, 320
Bhagavān, 159
Bhāgavat, 159
Bhakta, (,also
BHAKTA), 159, 182,
225, 259, 344, 362, 363,
Bhaktas, (also Bhakti) £our lands of, 259
Bhakti, 219, 225,
241, 256, 257, 258,
259, 263, 270, 272, 299, 315,
361, 398, 489,491
and the impersonal Brahman,
as the climax of Yoga, 225,
psychic and
vital-emotional, 259
Vaishnava, 360
with knowledge, 258, 259
Bhakti's place in Yoga of self-liberation, 279
Bhaktiyoga, (or Yoga of Bhakti), 36, 73, 270
Bharata, 59
Bharatas, 15
Bhartā, 71
Bhāvāh, 249
Bhima, 179
Bhishma, 56, 352
Bhrigu, 333
Bhūtagrāma, 148
bhūta, pañcha, 90, 242
Bhūtānām iśvarah, 132
Bhūtāni, 113, 142, 245, 286, 303
Bhūtasarga, 431
Bible, 85
Birds, two—on one tree, 72
Birth, divine, 132, 135, 144, 146,
148, 150, 151, 154-161, 262,
Bliss, (see also Ananda), 221 -soul, 175
Blood-stained enjoyments,
24, 51, 56
Body as the delegated image of God, 500
Bondage, 100, 163, 304, 394, 395 cause of, 100 of the three gunas, 394-96 to works, 87, 88, 109
Boundless universe, 284
Brahma, 84, 251, 271, 348, 356, 358,
and rajas,391
Day and Night of, 271
Brahman, 8, 14, 73, 77, 78, .83, 84,
85f, 97, 105, 107, 108 f,
112, 169, 172, 173, 184, 185,
188, 212, 213, 215, 216, 217,
218, 224, 230, 264, 265, 267,
272, 295, 364, 365, 381, 382,
385, 484, 485, 486, 491, 501,
534, 536
Akshara, 211
and Maya, opposition made
between, 309
becoming, 484
born of the Immutable, 105
established in sacrifice, 105
extinction in, 215, 216
fire of, 110, 111
great, 249
immutable, 83, 104, 109,172, 215, 267,488
impersonal, 121, 421, 4.87,
in the Akshara, 212
knower of, 14, 188, 272
Nirvana in, 216, 217, 219
of the Mayavadins, 33
soul in union with, 169
Supreme, 73, 84, 295, 326, 491
the equal, 185
transcendent, 382
triple, 449
universal, 234, 382
Vedantic, 78
wheel of, 114
work born from, 107
Brahma satyam jagan mithyā, 403
Brahmabhuta, 77, 148, 365
Brahma-bhūya, 406 484, 485
Brahmacharya, 221
Brahmaloka, 80
Brahman-consciousness, 217, 220
Brahma-nirvāna, 215, 216, 503
-Sutras, 378
-Vada, 80
Brahmavadins, 80
Brahmayoga, 215
Brahmic condition, 76, 77, 95, 123, 124
consciousness, 26, 30, 32, 33, 112, 118,216-217
poise, 97
status, (see also Brahmic condition), 376, 397, 406
status, two ways of arriving at, 406
Brāhmī sthiti, 95
Brahmanas, 449
Brahmanya, 478
Brahmin, 81, 168, 305, 306,
466, 469, 471, 472, 478, 536
natural work of, 466
Brahminhood, 469, 478
Breath-control, 110, 218
Brihaspati, 332
Buddha, 11, 31, 33, 135, 136, 147, 151, 152, 153, 156, 158,
177, 260, 355, 437
Buddhahood, 136, 149
Buddhism, 9, 78, 80 f, 215, 219, 309
Buddhistic, 78, 158
Buddhists, 78, 96, 149, 215
Buddhi, Sankhya Principle of, 67, 70, 90, 391
as mental power of understanding, 88
as will and knowledge, 89, 90, 94, 104, 200, 201, 202, 323,
tamasic, rajasic or sattvic, 460-.62
Buddhi-bheda, 177, 198
Buddhi Yoga, 71, 75, 505
Call of God, 32
Carlylean heroism, 147
Camel-man, 39
Caste system, 466-67, 469
Caturvarna, 466, 468
Causality, 266, 267, 530
Causal Purusha, 449
Cessation of desire and
attachment, 488
Cestāh, (efforts), 455
Chaitanya, the Avatar of Nadiya, 13 f, 149
Chance, world of, 432
Chandala, 306, 479
Chandāmsi, 407
Charioteer, the divine, 20, 22, 43, 123, 241, 335, 351, 355, 509
of the human soul in world-action, 278
Chhandogya Upanishad, Krishna in the, 14
Child-man, 39
Chinese, books .of the, 85
Chit-Shakti, (same as
Chitraratha, 332
Chivalry, 48
Choice, Free and
determinism of Nature, 205
Chosen and beloved soul, 508
Christ, 11, 14, 42, 135, 136, 147, 151,
153, 156, 158, 260, 354, 437
the historicity of, 14
Christ's miracles, 151
Christhood, 136
Christian, 157, 158
death, 269
devotionalism of Middle
Ages, 30
equality, 174
incarnation, doctrine of,
martyrs, 41
Christianity, 42, 85, 157, 158
exoteric and Avatarhood, 12
Church, 42
Cit-śakti, (or Chit Shakti), 243, 339, 426 f, 442
Cittavrtti-nirodha, 218
Classes of society in the East and in Europe, 468-69
Collectivism, 125
Compassion, divine, 54
Communion with gods, 30,2
Communion, outer, 302
Companion birds, 72
Conscience, 46
being—descent of the Infinite, 12
beings, multiplicity of,
69, 71, 72
embodied soul or dehi, 13
soul, double status of, 73
Consciousness, Brahmic, (see Brahmic
bodily, 337
cosmic, (see Cosmic
creative, 44
divine, 13, 140, 148, 149,
150, 151,
168, 292, 300, 307, 369, 541
divinised, 337
human, 19, 148
of Purusha, 90
phenomenal or frontal, 140
spiritual (see Spiritual
Consecration of self and
nature and
life, 528
Consent of Purusha, 69, 71
Cosmic consciousness, 289, 502
cycles, theory of, 271
Energy, 67, 74;—Energy thirteen
principles constituting subjective aspect or, 67;—Energy,
twenty-four principles of, 67,
Ignorance, 318
manifestation and non-manifestation Periods of, 271
monism, 316
Nature, 68, 277, 289
principles, twenty-four, 67, 74
procession in Time and supracosmic Eternity, 316
relations, 316
sanction, 272
sacrifice, 279
Spirit, 532
Cosmological notions,
Indian, 271, 272
Cosmopolitanism, 125
Cosmos, 66, 69, 72, 77, 102, 265, 266, 288, 302, 318,320
Divine in, 288
Sankhya explanation of, 67
Creation by destruction, 38
Creator, universal, 37
Creative Consciousness, 44
Crisis, 12, 22, 23, 45, 154
and Avatar, 154
Critical intelligence and revelatory knowledge, 282
Cross, 151, 191
Crucifixion, 14
Cycle of becoming and non-becoming, 271
Cycle of births and deaths
of bodies,
Cycles, cosmic (or Cycles of Cosmos), 271
Cycle of dissolution and appearance of worlds, 386, 389
Cycle of aeons, 386
Cycles of manifestation, unending, 402
Cycle of Nature, 104
Cycles of Time, 292 :
Cyclic whirl of Nature, 292
Daivam (Fate), 455
Dakshina, 444
Dāna, 443, 448
Dāna, tamasic,
rajasic and sattwic, 448
Danava-s, 327, 430
Darkness, children of,
Darwinians, 39
Day of the soul, 95-96
Death, 56, 57, 58, 332, 349, 353
Death-bed remembrance and
becoming, 269
Death of body and Immortality, 56-58
Deist, 137
Deity, 42
Delight, divine, 250, 398
triple or triune, 540
of being, 145
Demiurge, 320
Demon, 158
Demoniac nature, 161
Descent, 146, 150, 151, 155, 458
of the
divine Purusha into humanity, 150
Desire-s, 54, 91, 93, 97,
98, 101, 102,
117, 233, 250, 304, 305,432,
436, 437, 485, 533, 534, 537,
539, 543 1
cessation of, 488
positive and negative,
-soul, 175, 176, 197
-will, 222
Desireless works or action, 76, 83, 97, 101, 102, 124, 369, 371,
Desirelessness, 173, 183, 370, 371, 449, 500
Destroyer, 37, 348
Time the, (see Time
the Destroyer)
Destruction as universal principle of life, 39, 41
Detachment, divine, 277
intellectual and spiritual,
Determination of Nature, 417
Determinations of energy and substance, 381
Determinism of Prakriti or Nature, 35, 170,
194-204, 205-208
Deva-s, 81, 83, 84, 104, 108, 424, 429, 430, 431, 433, 434
and Asura, 430-34
nature or prakriti, 431, 432
Devaki, 14
Devala, 327
Devil, semi-omnipotent, 350
Devotion (see also Bhakti), 77, 79,
;• 300, 304, 307, 370, 371, 490,
495, 540
Dhananjaya, 147
Dharma-s, 22, 24, 25, 111, 130, 134,
• 136, 155, 157, 158, 159, 160,
167, 168, 224, 250, 339, 352,
372, 406, 411, 412, 413, 428,
430, 460, 461, 482, 492, 496,
498, 509, 512, 513, 522, 523,
542, 543, 544
and Adharma, 160, 460
and war, 168
as government of inner and outer of man, 157
as law of action or life,
24, 25, 542
as law of being, 339, 372
as law of nature, 428
as one's nature, 130
as religious, social and moral rule of conduct, 32
changing and evolving in its forms, 158
established by Avatar, 136,
eternal and unchanging in its principle, 158, 397, 406, 411
immortal, 372, 412, 428, 492
in the Indian conception, 157
kingdom of, 160, 431, 456
literal meaning of, 24 f, 157
of sattwic man, 498
spiritual sense of, 250
upholding of—and Avatar, 134, 135, 155
various senses of, 255
Dharmas, conflict of, 413
mixture of, 498, 499
Dharma-ksetra, 166, 352
Dharma-rājya, 344
Dhīra, (calm and wise man), 57
Dhritarashtra, 14, 179
the sons of, 24
Dhritarashtrians, (,also Dhartarashtriyans), 55, 171, 211
Dhrtih, 432, 460, 488
Dhrti, (persistence of will), tamasic, rajasic, or sattwic, 460
Dhyāna-yoga, 489
Dialectical warfare, 8
Dialectics-analytical, 7
Difficulty of human action, 483
Dionysian Supermanhood, 126
Disabilities of Shudras and women, 6
Disciple, human, 19
Discoveries of physical science, 3
Discrimination, right, 79
Dispensation, external, 302
universal and individual,
Dissolution, 386, 388 f, 389, 397
of all that is in life and mind, 520
of individual spiritual being, 388 f
Divine, the, 9, 13, 15, 16, 20, 25,
26, 29, 35, 54, 59, 94, 95,
105, 116, 118, 121, 146, 147,
148, 150, 151, 241, 248, 249,
Being, (see Being, divine) ;
Birth, (see Birth divine)
birth, ascent of humanity into, 148, 150
charioteer, 43, 44, 219
Compassion, 54, 261
consciousness, (see Consciousness,
divine) calling down descent
of, 148, 149;—growing of the
human into, 148, 149
creators of races of living beings, 358
embryo, 389
government, 320, 321, 350
humanity, 151, 335
immanent, 532
impersonality, 280
in man, 186
Influence, 501
light, 357, 410, 508
lodged in human body, 290, 293, 409
love, 261
man, 152,356
Maya, (see Maya, divine)
Nature, 36, 74, 128, 132, 134, 135,
150, 152, 157, 160, 182, 214,
247, 250, 253, 282, 292, 293,
295, 313, 321, 339, 341, 342,
Person, (see Person,
Personality, (see Personality, Divine)
140, 15Q, 247, 250, 305, 429, 544
Tapas, 465
Teacher, (see Teacher, Divine)
transcendent, 531
the Universal, 532
works, (see Works, Divine)
Will, (see, Will, Divine)
Wisdom, (see Wisdom, Divine)
Yoga, 284, 315, 321, 322, 335
Divinity, 283, 293, 297, 303, 326, 328
fourfold presence of, 477
Divyam janma, 135
Divyam karma, 135
Doer, 34, 170, 384, 454, 455, 458 464, 536
of action, tamasic, rajasic and sattwic, 458-59
instrument and work, 458
temporary use of, 187
Double Prakriti, 77, 195
Dravya-yajña, 111
Drona, 56, 352
Dualism of determination of
and self-determination, 417-18; —of Purusha
and Prakriti, 71,
417;-of two Purushas, 417;of Vedantic School, relative,
Dualist and God, 138
Dualities, 93, 95, 166, 169, 220, 256, 257, 306, 379, 416, 533
Dual reactions, 414
Durga, 42
Duryodhana, 155
Duty, 32, 33
relative nature of, 3r3-3.4
Dvandva-moha, 256
Dvandvātīta, 166
Dwaita, 65
Eater eating is eaten, 39
Ecstasy, 87
Ego, 26, 83, 96, 116, 119,
121, 124,
125, 161, 204, 205, 206, 212,
232, 242, 304, 325, 335, 340,
342, 370, 414, 420, 432, 452,
455, 474, 483, 484, 487,497,
499, 501, 502, 504, 505,
532, 534, 535, 537, 539, 543
and Freewill 207
as one o£ eightfold Nature,
as ostensible doer of
works, 455
life of the, 497
sattwic, 204, 414, 488
vital and physical, 430
-idea, 205, 380, 484
-mind, 194, 197, 203,, 223,
-motive, 380
-personality, 487, 490, 506
-self, 199
-sense, 69, 70, 71, 73, 96;
103, 118,
206, 209, 210, 211, 380, 421,
496, 504, 526, 536, 539
-soul, 194, 196, 379
Egoism, 51, 62, 102, 103,-117, 125,
164, 196, 340, 355, 370, 488,
494, 499, 505
of the doer, 164, 201
pragmatic, 35
rajasic, 434, 436, 488
sattwic, 21, 488
tamasic, 436
of will, 454
Eightfold nature, 242
path of Buddha, 437
Elements-five concrete,. 67, 90, 242
natural, 386
Elemental conditions of Nature, Five, 90, 247, 409
powers and spirits, 303, 444
Emotionalism, spiritualised, 310'
Empirical truth, 312
Energisms of askesis, 446
rajasic, sattwic, 446-47
Energy, 66, 67, 244, 378, 379, 384, 389
conscious, 244
cosmic or universal, 74, 309, 390, 391, 393
divine, 339
Enigma of human action, 482-83
Enjoyer of action, 384
of askesis or tapasya, 219,
of sacrifice, 120, 219, 405
Enjoyment of objects of mind and sense, 409
personal, 109
Enlightened man, 56
Equal Brahman, 185
Equality, 33, 36, 76, 94, 95, 97, 172182, 319, 370, 381, 396,411,
and Karmayoga, 172
and Knowledge, 183-193
as sign and test for
aspirant, 173
as sign of liberated soul,
as Yoga, 95, 181
Christian, 174
founded upon oneness, 190
Stoic, 174, 180
Equilibrium and
disequilibrium of gunas, 427
kinesis and inertia, 391
Eternal Individual, 253, 408, 513.
Eternity, transcendent, 381.
Ethical ideal, 516, 520, 544
idealism, 517
illusion, veil of, 37
problem, 516
Ethics, spiritualised, 516
Europe, Reformation in, 155
European intellect, 30
release from, 282, 321
Europeanised intellect, 30
Evil, release from, 282, 321
Evolution, 146, 152, 176, 319, 351,
353, 379, 384, 395. 412, 477
individual, 431
material, 90, 378
objective and subjective,
of Nature, 90, 176, 319
of Soul, 90, 434
order of, 90
physical, 152
social, 468-69
spiritual, 152, 343, 434,
465, 470
Evolutions of Time, 358
Evolutionary power, 330
Existence as manifestation of God, 12
Experience, spiritual, 5
Extinction, (.see Nirvana),
of ego, 480, 497, 503
of ignorance, 497
Extracosmic, 286
Faith, 46, 187, 225, 269,
282, 283,
302, 303, 328, 366, 436, 440,
450, 451, 464, 523, 526,
528, 529, 530
act of, 46
and knowledge, 187
and stuff of being, 440
mental, 328
sattwic, rajasic and
tamasic, 439,
440, 442
three elements of mental,
triple kind of, 440, 441
Fatalism and free-will, 207
Fate, (daivam), 455
Father of creatures, 83
God as, 301, 389
symbol of Divine Being, 332,
Fathers, 332
Fatherhood of God, 361
Feebleness of heart, Arjuna's, 353
Field, 26, 375-385
individual and world, 378
of being, 375-76
of Nature, 385
powers of the, 379
Field-knower, 26, 375-385
Finiteness of name and form,-12
Fire, divine, 13, 145
of Brahman, 110, 111
of Knowledge, 110, 183
Five causes or requisites of works, 455
Food, 105, 110, 443
tamasic, rajasic or
sattwic, 443
Force acting in the world, 42
creative, 44
divine, 456
inconscient, 90
of being, developed
(Vibhuti), 13
Form, 361
boundless universal, 359
supreme, 362
Formless, 16
Fourfold, order, a concrete form of spiritual truth,6
order of society, 6
Four orders and three gunas, 477
functions of social man in
community, 468
orders as stages of
in manhood, 477
orders of Indian social
culture, 466
orders of men, external idea of, 477
orders, spiritual sense
assigned to by the Gita, 471
Freedom of Roman institutions, 189
Freedom or Purusha, 207
Freeman of the Gita, 190
Free Will, (see Will, Free)
Free-will, egoistic, 206, 207 ;
French Revolution, 155
Friend, divine, 56, 351
God as,-of
people, 18, 43, 44, 56, 88
of all creatures, 350, 355,
357, 368
of our soul, 495
Friendhood of God, 360
Fruits of action, or works, 95, 369, 396, 420, 444, 445, 446, 447, 453,538
Gahana, 162 ,
Gandharvas, 332
Gandiva, heavenly bow, 55
Ganges, 269, 333
death in, 269
Garuda, 333
Gayatri, 333
Gita, a Vedantic work, 63
as a Gospel of Duty, 34
as a scripture, 4, 515
Local and temporal elements
Message of, 525
metaphysical connotation
of, 4
synthesis of, 9, 10, 28
Gita's integral Yoga, 511, 529
Yoga, (see Yoga of Gita)
Giving (Dāna), tamasic, rajasic or sattwic, 448
Gnosis, divine, 14
God, 8, 30, etc.
as Destroyer, 43, 348-51
as Divine Mother, 301, 389
as Friend of all creatures,
18, 43,
44, 350
as teacher descended into
humanity, 12
as transcendent Being, 44
call of, 32
extra-cosmic or
supracosmic, 137
in the world, 12, 474
of Love and Mercy, 42, 260
of righteousness and justice, 260
of wrath and terror, 38, 260
Word of, 3
God's Lila, 330
God-being, 30
-doers, 523
-knower-s, 128, 523, 540
-knowledge, 113, 189, 533, 540
-love, 540, 541
-nature, 225
-possessed, 30
-seer, 127
-state, 30
-union, integral, 530
-vision, 225, 437
-workers, 540
Godlover-s, 224, 262, 371,
523, 541
consciousness, 154
humanity, 145
law, 147
Goddess, 164
Godhead-s, 120, 142, 147,
208, 259, 281, etc.
as origin of all, 314
growing into, 282, 335
in humanity, 12, 54, 135, 143, 145, 147
in man, 313, 314, 326
in our nature and being, 300
incarnate—as guiding all, 12
names and images of, 259
secret in us, 290, 307, 331
supreme, 260, 263, 274, 281, 287,
304, 314, 317, 318, 347, 350,
terrible as well as sweet,
Time-figure of, 345
transcendent, 316, 319, 323
universal, 303, 304, 313, 330, 382,
419, 422
Good., Law of, 45
Supreme, 108
Good, and evil.
Beyond, 185
confusion of, 185
Gospel of Duty, 34
of Works, 17, 29
Grace, 35
Greeks, 137 ,
Grihyasutras, 82
Guhāyām, 141
Guide of man, 88
Guna-s, (see also Modes of Nature),
21, 66, 70, 79, 81, 91, 100,
101, 107, 170, 197, 200-04,
211, 213, 233, 341, 386, 397,
422, 424, 428, 536
a triple cord of bondage, 394
and action, 458-59
determining man's work or function (karma), 470
action in animal, 449
action in man, 449
action in plant, 448
all action done by, 102
and askesis, (tapasya), 446-48
and cosmic Trinity, 391
and doer of action, 459
and equality, 396-97
and faith, (sraddha), 439-41
and food, 443
and four orders of society,
and giving, (dāna), 448
and happiness, 462-63
and reason or understanding, (buddhi), 460-62
and sacrifice, 443-46
and soul's freedom, 207
as subject-matter of Veda, 81
as three kinds of becomings, 250
attachment to the enjoyment of, 396
balance of—a
quantitative play, 6
beyond, (see trigunātīla)
equilibrium of, 66, 70, 198
free from, (see Nirguna and Nistraigunya)
psychological side of, 392
Gunā gunesu variants, 203, 210, 424
Guna-karma, 141, 339
Guru, 16, 56, 380
Happiness, tamasic, rajasic
or sattwic,
Harivansha, 15
Harmonisation of
pantheistic, theistic
and transcendental terms of
spiritual conception and experience, 316
Harmony, 43
of Love, Knowledge and
Works, 9
Hatha Yoga, 9, 110
Hathayogins, 112
Hebraic, 53
Hell-s, 32, 54, 434
Heraclitus on war, 38
Hereditary basis of caste, 467, 470
principle as practical
basis of fourfold order, 469
Hero-worship, 343
Heroic philosophy, 180
Himalaya, 333
Hinduism, 156
Hindu religion, catholicity
of, 44
Holiday of fight, 22, 51
Holy Spirit, 149
Horse of sacrifice, 39
Human existence, aim of, 57
history, 41
riddle, 275
Humanitarianism, 125, 156
Hunger as Death, 39
Huns; 40
I, little limited, 497
I, Supreme egoless, 383
Iblis, 158 .
Icchā-dvesa, 255
Idea, the,' 384, 389, 391
Idea-being and Idea-force, 391
Ignorance, 17, 97, 98, 118, 127, 131,
184, 185, 194, 198, 212, 216,
244, 281, 295, 305, 312, 313,
320, 321, 338, 341, 342, etc.
Illusion, pragmatic, 441
Illusionism, 79
Illusionist Mayavada, 310
"I am He," 280
Immanent, the, 288, 326, 328
Immanence of the Divine and in the Divine, 336
Immeasurable, the, 348, 356
Immortality, 57, 59, 61, 329, 357,
385, 386, 387
and death of the body,
56-58, 386
and Time, 387
as supreme status of
Spirit, 387
in ancient teaching, 386
Immutable, the, 29, 65,
77, 215, 241, 311,312,348,358,364,365,
367, 399-411
manifest, 367
unmanifest, 367
Impersonal, the, 118, 121,
123, 170,
210, 490, 503
eternal, 258
Person, (see Person,
(see Personality, impersonal)
Impersonality, 118, 119,
120, 165,
173, 211, 280, 327, 366, 367,
422, 499, 540
joy of, 540 .
supreme spiritual, 490
universal, 540
Inaction, 29, 198, 394,
395, 408, 416,
426, 429
inward, 501
Inactivity, inner, 483
Incarnation, divine, 145
intermediary idea of,
Inconscient, 68, 441
Nature, 90
Sun flaming through ether,
will and intelligence, 90
Indefinable, the, 311, 364
India, religious mind of, 15
Indian civilisation and war, 47
logicians, 28
philosophy, word Jñāna
in, 186
religion-s, 9, 350
religious thought, 350
scriptures, 17
social culture, old, 466
spirituality, 7, 29, 54,
87, 350
teaching, 30
thinkers and quantitative
action of
Nature, 390
thought, 29, 77, 263
Indifference, philosophic motive of,19
Individual and community, 47
and Infinite, 502
and society, 125
in ancient Indian
civilisation, 47
spiritual, 502
Individuality as
delegated adaptability
of God, 501
spiritual, 503, 511
Indra, 17, 20, 332
Master of the World of Light and Immortality, 20
Indwelling and overdwelling Lord, 150
Indwelling and overdwelling Soul, 150 '
Ineffable, the, 301
Inertia, 66, 163, 391, 394, 416, 426, 429,452, 498,543
of inaction, 394
of nescience, 394
Infinite and the finite mind, 308
call of, 167
Inhabitant, 150,
164, 264, 289, 295, 296, 300, 305, 336, 359, 377,
387, 529
Initiation of action, 397, 486, 544 , ;
Instinct-s, 435
and desire, law of, 435
Instrument of action, tamasic, rajasic and sattwic, 458
of the Divine, 537
Intangible, the, 300
Integral bhakti or devotion, 299, 5:11, 529
God-love, 541
Knowledge, 242, 264, 275, 315, 492, 511, 529, 533, 537,
Knowledge bringing triple delight, 540
perfection, 510, 529, 533
reality of the Divine, 411
truth, 530
union, 508, 541
work-s, 511, 541
Intelligence, two types of, 88
Intelligent Will, (Buddhi), 70, 72, 90, 100, 210, 231
Ishwara, 64, 66, 72, 77, 81, 84, 104,
240, 296, 308, 313, 326, 375,
409, 539
Krishna, 64
Ista-devatā, (also Ishta-deva), 313, 495
Isvarah, 71, 196
Ivory tower, 182
]ada, 68, 200, 392
Jaimini, 80
Janaka, 106, 107, 124
Japanese ideal of the Samurai, 48
Jayadratha, 352
Jesus, 14, 150f
Jijñāsu, 259
Jiva, 8, 74, 149, 150, 153,
206, 245,
246, 247, 248, 251, 254, 258,
259, 261, 262, 266, 273, 289,
292, 313, 326, 340, 341, 375,
408, 421, 446, 475, 478, 496,
503, 532
and supreme Nature, 503, 510
as a partial manifestation of Divine, 74, 148, 245
as eternal portion of Divine, 408, 424, 446,
496, 510, 542
as manifested form of Supreme Prakriti, 8,
74, 245,340
as the basis of multiple existence, 245
creating his own world, 502
manifested in Time, 245
released from ignorance, 496
Jiva's identity with Atman, 490
Jivanmukta, 537
Jivas, world of, 408
Jñānam as real knowledge, 379
Jñāna as Self-knowledge, 186
Jnanakanda, 80
Jñāna and vijnana, 242
Jñānayajm, 299
Jnanayoga or Jñānayoga, 299
Jñānī bhakta, 36, 77, 486
Jñātā, 259, 262
]ñeyam, 379
Joseph, the carpenter, 14
Judea, 14
Jugupsā, 175, 177, 178
Jyotih, (direct supramental force of
knowledge), 427
Kāla, 266
Kālī, 42, 349, 354,
Kalki, 152
Kāma, 250
the spiritual, 250
Kamadhuk, the cow of plenty, 336
Kandarpa the love-God, 332
Karana, (instrumentation), 455
Kārana (efficient cause), 455
or karma, 40, 199, 202, 266,
267, 268, 281, 309
born of on's own nature,
human, 456
kartavyam, (see
Kartavyam karma)
natural, inborn, innate,
niskama, 101
nitya, (see Nitya karma)
niyata, (see Niyata karma)
sahajam, 470
svabhāvajam, 470
svabhāva-niyatam, (see
svabhāvaniyatam karma)
Karmabandha, 87
Karmakanda, 80
Karmayoga or karmayoga, (see also
Yoga or Works), 29, 36, 65,
100, 162, 172, 218, 229, 231,
486, 538
Karmayogin, 124, 164
Kama, 352
Karta, (doer), 45S
Kartavyam karma, 35, 55, 100, 166, 420, 443, 452, 454, 465,
Kauravas, 155
Kinesis, 391, 392, 394, 425, 426, 428
eternal, 393
rajasic and spiritual; 426
Kinetism,. 278
Kingdom of Dharma,
(see Dharma,
kingdom of)
of Right and Truth, 344,
King-knowledge, 281
Log, 137
-secret, 281
Knower, 358, 415, 457, 527
divine, 17
of Field, (.see
of Veda, 86
"Knowers of day and night,"
Knowledge and bhakti, unified, 315
divine, 16, 17, 20
men of, 186
objects of, 457
revelatory, 282
tamasic, rajasic and
sattwic, 457-58
Koran, 85
Krishna, the Avatar of Vishnu, 8
avatarhood of, 15, 123,
135, 147,
148, 153, 160
historical character of,
14, 15
of the Mahabharata, the human divine, 14
son of Devaki, 14
the charioteer, 335
the symbol, 17
the Vibhuti, 334
Krishnahood, 136
Krtātma, 409 :
Krtsnakrt, 421, 423
Krtsna-vit, (also KRTSNAV1D), 195, 196,404,421
Ksara bhāva, 108 f, 266
Ksara purusa, 267, 484
Ksetra-m, 378, 380
Ksetra, constitution of, 378
Ksetrajña, 378, 380, 382
Kshara, (or kśara), 73, 107, 121, 128,
129, 131, 209,210, 211, 212,
214, 215, 217, 397, 400, 401,
405, 410, 411, 484
Kshatriya, 22, 23, 46, 48, 49, 60, 61,
120, 156, 413, 465, 466, 471,
472, 478
duties of, 22, 46-47, 51
ideal, 61
Indian conception of, 46,
natural work of, 466
Kshetra, (,see ksetra)
Kunti, 61
Kurukshetra, battle
of, 11, 15, 37, 38,
45, 50, 59, 120, 344, 354,
414, 456
battle-field of, 14, 17, 35, 344, 352, 413
Lord of, 43
Nature, 166
problem of, 520
warrior of, 274
Kurus, 155
Kūtastha, 220, 397
Kutsa, 17, 20
the human soul, 20
Law,21,434, 435, 437
a higher, 26
another's, 465
fourfold, 138
of becoming, real, 244
of Good, 45
of Life, 105
of life and action, 25, 26,
227, 465
own, 465
Law-s of being, 339, 542
of conduct,
Laya, 216, 397, 402
Liberation, 69, 70, 71, 81,
104, 119,
344, 364, 377, 387, 407, 412
and action, (see
Liberation and
and impersonality, 118
and works or action, 274,
412, 425
by knowledge, Sankhya
doctrine of,
by works, Yoga doctrine of,
means of, 70, 79, 83, 407
of the Soul, 68, 412
quististic, 278
Vedantic and of the Gita,
Liberator, 93
Libertus, the freedman, 189
Liberty, equality and fraternity, 157
Life as delegated harmony of God,
by death, Law of, 43
universal, 276
Life-Spirit, 152, 438
Lila, (or LĪLĀ),9, 131
or manifestation of the
Divine, the world as a, 131
Lion-man, 39
Local and temporal elements in the Gita, 5, 6
Lokamaheśvara, 320
Lokasamgraha, 106, 109, 124, 192, 219, 355,.408, 456, 501
Lord, 19, 29, 320, 370
as Time, 37, 43
indwelling and
overdwelling, 495
of Cosmos, 295 '
of Karma, 41
of Love, 29
of Nature, 71,
143, 208, 347, 35 5
of Sacrifice, 114, 120, 538
of Wealth, 332
of Works, (see also
Master of
Works), 65, 161, 235
seated in the heart of all,
Love as the crown of works and
knowledge, 541
Divine, 16, 350, 363, 368,
Lover and
Beloved, divine, 159, 492, 511
Divine, 306, 365, 368, 406,
of our soul, 495, 511
Lucretian sage, 190
Machine of Nature, 289
Macrocosm, 378
Madbhāva, 134, 136, 137, 213, 268,
;318f, 323, 385, 396, 441, 485, 542
Madhyamā gatih, 176
Magician, Avatar not a, 151
Mahabharata, 515
an allegory of the inner
life, 19
clash between human Devas and Asuras in, 430
Gita an interpolation in, 11
struggle of, 160
Mahat, Sankhya
principle of, 67, 391
Mahat Brahman, 389, 390
Mahāvākya of Gita, 34, 35
Mahayana, 500
Mahayanist Buddhism, 80 f,
Mahomed, 11
Mamaivāmśah sanātanah,
Man, an embodied soul, 543
and God, constant
companionship of, 361
rajasic and tamasic, 543
Manas, Sankhya principle of, 67, 89, 90
Mandukya Upanishad, 301 f
Manichean conflict of Principles, 320
Manifestation and non-manifestation, cosmic, 271, 272, 366
and Day of Brahma, 271
Mantra-s, 300, 333, 445
and fourfold active nature
of Godhead, 317
as perpetual mental becomings of the Supreme Soul, 317
Many in One, 347
Margasirsha, 333
Marichi, 332
Mary, 14
Master, 15,
16, 370, 375, 420, 452,
454, 459, 504, 508
of action, 420
of being, 275, 281, 295,
of beings or existences,
327, 405
of cosmic godheads, 358
of existence, 16,
239, 270, 312,
326, 388, 420, 445, 449, 466,
477, 504, 510, 530-31, 540,
of Immortality, 358
of knowledge and adoration,
of knowledge and love and
of Life, 353
of Light, 430
of Nature, 189, 351, 377,
438, 539,
of Sacrifice, 8, 29, 35, 76, 240, 265,
of subjective becoming,
313, 331
of the battle, 166
of the Universe or world,
233 322,
344, 371, 431, 456, 459, 466,
507, 509, 538
of Time, 421
of works, 18, 131, 164, 166, 191, 229,
235, 241, 264, 267, 278, 279, 314, 346-47, 363, 364,
371, 422, 466, 452, 454, 457, '
492, 495
of Yoga, 322, 346, 512
Master-man, 54, 55, 126
Materialistic philosopher and detachment, 277
Mātrā, 390
Matter, 284, 392, 404, 518
and ideative spirit, 390
and life, 518
as food, 39
Life, Mind,
381, 428, 518-20
Matter—five elements or elemental
conditions of, 67-68, 247,
Māyā, ātma, 143
Māyā, avidyā- or Maya of ignorance, 143,417
Maya or Maya, 35,
44, 70, 78, 79,
141, 142, 143, 149, 210, 243,
256, 309, 400, 417, 507, 521,
532, 542
as a bewildering partial
consciousness, 403
as power of infinite
Consciousness, 15
divine, 141, 215
illusive, 251, 313
lower, 407, 507
of the three gunas or modes of Prakriti, 8, 126, 141
of Yoga, (see Yoga-maya)
Self, 134, 138, 142
Māyā, parā, 149
Mayavada, 8, 70, 288, 310
Mayavadin, 423, 441
Meditation, 383, 488, 489
Rajayogic, 220
Mental being, 308, 310, 388, 393, 396
and vital liking and
disliking, 489
happiness and divine rapture, 427
Self, superficial, 88
Meru, 333
Metaphysical connotation of Gita, 4, 5
dogma, 87
philosophy, Gita not a, 253
Microcosm, 378
Military obligation, 47, 48
Mimansakas, 103
Mimansa Purva, 80
Uttara, 80
Mind, 297, 519-20
of Yogin at the time of death, 270
tamasic, rajasic or
sattwic, 543-44
universal, 276
Miracle-s, 151, 152
Mithyacara, 100 f, 198
Modes acting upon modes, 203, 210
of action, desire and possession— (see Rajas)
of darkness and inertia—(see Tamas)
of Light and poise and peace— (see Sattva)
of Prakriti or nature,
(see also
Gunas), 8, 21, 26, 34, 49,
50, 51, 67, 129, 141, 163,
194, 196, 197, 201-03, 206,
386, 390, 392, 393, 396, 428
of world-energy, 49
Moksa, 150, 412
Monism, 8, 74, 316,411
Moral consciousness, 33
law, 33
Mosaic law of
righteousness, 437
Mother, 42, 149, 305, 330, 357, 389
divine, 305, 389
Motives of action, 223
Mounted on a machine by Maya, 201, 474, 495, 507-08
M, the spirit of the secret superconscient omnipotence, 305
Mukti, 365
Muktasya karma, 171,
412, 423, 513
Multiplicity of souls in the Sankhya, 70
Mutable Person, (see
Mutable Being, (see Being, mutable)
Mutation of becoming, 276
Mutations of Nature, 276
Nagas, 332
Naiskarmya, 98, 100, 123, 483, 485, 501
Narada, 327, 333
Nara-Narayana, the human soul and the divine
Soul, 13, 17
Narayana, 13, 17, 122, 124,133, 139, 328, 344, 360, 361
National Suicide, 47
Nature, (see Prakriti)
and the
triple Purusha, 209-10
as a Magician, 532
as a power of divine
consciousness, 139
as creator and destroyer,
cosmic, 68, 121, 277, 289, 294, 404
creative, 44
determinism of, 34, 35, 170, 193-204, 416,417
economy of, 343
eightfold, 242
instruments of, 455
knower of, 378
lower, (see
Prakriti, lower)
mechanical, 280
mechanical engine or
machine of, 231,289,474, 537
mental, vital and physical, 379, 389, 484, 542
modes of, (see Modes of
mutable multiple, 258
mutations of, 276
or Prakriti, divine, 36, 74, 128, 132, 134, 135, 150, 152,
157, 160, 182, 186, 214, 247,
phenomenal, 242, 244, 246, 280
pragmatic energy of, 256
qualitative action of, 391, 417
quantitative action of, 390
secondary subjective becomings of, 249
soul in,
(see Soul in Nature)
Supreme, (see Prakriti supreme)
the universal worker, 276, 279
Natures, the two, lower and higher, 484
the two, phenomenal and spiritual, 239-52
Nature's whole action as a sacrifice, 419
Nature-evolution, 90
-force, 89, 90
-soul, 36, 389
Nazareth, 14, 150f
Nectar of immortality, 110,
112, 229
Negation, supreme, 309, 320
Nervous being, Mental and, 397
Nescience, 392, 394
Neti, neti, 309, 329, 404
Nietzsche, 39
Nietzschean creed of power, 53
creed of Supermanhood,
Night of the soul, 95
Nigraha, 200
Nihil, 318
Nimitta, 266, 267,
Nimitta-mātram, 186, 191,212
Nine-gated city, 170
Nirguna, 50, 129, 210, 213
Nirguna, the Impersonal, 210
Nirgunam gunabhoktr ca, 213
Nirguno guni, 129
Nirvana, 76, 78, 83, 96, 214, 215,
216, 217, 219, 222, 223, 309,
310, 401, 437, 520, 521
in the Brahman, 76, 84, 96,
of the Buddhists, 78, 96,
Nirvanic state, 500
(concentrated will of devotion), 440
Nistralgunya, 107,
109, 213, 424
Nityakarma, 101
Nitya-yoga, 270
Nivrtti, (also Nirvitti), 92, 115, 243, 253, 407
Niyata karma, 100,
101, 4S3
Non-Being, 78
-doer, 208, 210, 289, 290
-manifestation and Night
of Brahma, 271
Norwegian hero, 53
Nothing, supreme All and, 424
Numen, 290, 422
Objects of sense-s, 91, 92,
99, 170, 379, 409, 535
Olympian Supermanhood, .126
OM, 248, 270, 300, 333, 449
symbol of triple Brahman,
Tat, Sat, the formula, 449
the absolute, 300
the initiating syllable for
sacrifice, giving and askesis, 449
Omnipresent Deity, 44
Omniscient consciousness, 513
One and Many, 209, 490
in the many, the, 347
that is nothing, 500
Oneness in the midst of differences, 172
Opulent kingdom, 124, 352 ;
Orders of Indian social
culture, 466, 79
Oriental teaching, 30
Ormuzd, 42
Oversoul, 326, 318
Own-becoming, (svabhāva), 210
Own law, (svadharma), 465
Pacifism, 48
Pallavas, 40
Pandavas, 147, 155, 333
Pantheistic conception of
universe, 316
Pāpayonayah, 472
Para bhāva or the Supreme being of
the Divine, 12
Parabrahman, 294, 313, 325, 403
Paradise, 80, 83, 104
Parā gatih, 385
Paramatman, 291,294, 382, 405
Parā Māyā,
Param dhāma, (the highest status), 388, 401, 404, 513
Parameshwara, 294, 313
Parā prakrti, 149, 243-52, 253, 325, 339, 372,406,489,490
Parā prakrtir jīvabhutā, 406, 490
Parā Prakrtī that has become Jiva, 244, 245, 340, 406
Para purusa, 325
Parā śānti, 508
Parā siddhim, 388
Parashurama, (see also Rama of the axe), 156
Pariah, 306
Paro avyaktah, -405
Partha, 105
Particularised name and
form of Divinity, 313
Patanjali, 7, 64
Path of the fathers, 272
of the gods, 272
Patriotism, 125
Peace, 40, 50, 52
Perdition, 476, 505
Perfectibility of man, 9
Perfection, means of, 388
Person, 19, 105, 299
divine, 166, 189, 338, 365,
immanent, 512
impersonal, 121, 135
manifest in Vibhutis, etc.,
Real, 19, 502
Supernal, 294
supreme, 105, 295, 313,
406, 501, 503
God born as a human personality, 138
of Saguna, 210
Personality, 211, 231,
280, 383, 422,
487, 488
and impersonality, 312,
divine, 12, 159, 310
egoistic, 135, 254, 258,
500, 522
human—and impersonal
self, 280
human—and personal God,
impersonal, 123, 135
individual, 313
lower, 122, 258
mental and vital, 229, 534
multiple, 254, 384
natural separative, 325
of the liberated soul and the impersonal, 166
perfect, 129
spiritual, 253, 254
supreme, 123
Phenomenal consciousness, 140
lower, 242, 246, 284
Phenomena, objective and subjective, 243, 265
disquisitions, 11
Philosophic mind and the Eternal, 68 :
Philosophy, 3, 5, 68 :
last word of the reasoning
intellect, 3
Physical action, purely, 165
plane of existence, 434
Pilgrimage of the body, 99
Pisachas, 431
Pitr, 303
Play, cosmic, 9 f
Pluralism of the Sankhyas,
Posture for the practice of Rajayoga, 221
Power, 17, 41, 209, 277,
320, 332,
342, 360, 464, 496, 508, 512,
521, 527, 531
diabolical, 42
divine, 13, 16, 280, 352, 508, 539, 541, 544, 545
Nietzschean creed of, 53
of being, 291, 339, 340
of initiation, 205
of self-becoming, atma-vibhuti, 338
Powers cosmic, 430
of becoming, sovereign,
(,see also
Vibhuti), 327, 329, 331, 332,
of darkness, 357
of Light and powers of Darkness, 273 f
of self-Nature, (vibhuti),
Prabhu, 170, 184, 211, 289
Pragmatic, egoism, 35
illusion, 441
man, 21, 22
relations between individual soul and nature, 497
truth, 441
Pragmatism, modern, 440, 441
Prahlada, 332
Prajapati, 356
Prajna or -prajñā, 301, 317
Prakāśa, (derivative mental light), 427
the essence of sattwa, 394
Prakriti, (or Nature), 7, 34, 35, 44,
66, 67, 77, 78, (Chapters: 13,
21, 24, 25), etc.
and Purusha as dual cause of cosmos, 71
and Purusha, Interrelation between, 66
and Purusha, original and eternal duality of, 401
and Purusha, -twin principles of being, 119
as Energy, 66
as eternal feminine
principle, 72
as executrix of all works, 109
constituted of three gunas, 66
cosmic, (see Nature, cosmic)
determinism of, 34-35, 170, 194,204
double, 77, 195, 239-52
eightfold, 242
lower, 78, 84, 181, 239-52, 254,
257, 275, 282, 335, 342, 385,
423, 427, 492, 497
one—for all Purushas, 69
supreme, (see also Para prakrti),
36, 149, 243-52, 254, 325,
492, 503, 532
supreme, manifested as Jiva, 8, 244, 245, 294, 340, 406, 475,
working by inequality of her modes, 197
Prakrti, parā,—(see Para prakrti)
Prakriti's activities for the pleasure of Purusha, 71
Prakrtir jīvabhūtā, 294, 406, 475, 490
Pralaya, 386
Prāna, 218
Pranava, 14
Pranayama, 112, 224
Prasāda, 393
Pravrtti, (also Pravritti), 115, 243, 253, 392, 393, 394, 398, 407
Pravrttih prasrta purāni, 406
Presence, 123, 129, 305, 320, 336,
359, 366, 381,420,495, 500,
542, 545
Presiding control, 292
Pritha, 53, 249
Problem-s of human life, 20, 517
Proletariate, society of, 478
Psyche, connecting medium between spirit and matter, 390
Psychic centre, 328
ideal, 520
Psychical preferences, 288
Psychological being of man, 8
order of the Sankhyas, 89
Puny a, 17
Puranas, 8, 15,78f,85
part in, 20
Puranic accounts, 15
tradition, 9 f
Purusha, 6, 66-74, 81, 89,
90, 91, 92,
99, 103, 104, 115, 116, 120,
128, 138, 149, 163, 239, 242,
255, 265, 299, 312, 375, 391,
401, 441, 496, 497, 510, 527
Akshara, (see aksara purusa)
consciousness of, 90
consent of, 70, 71
divine, 297, 409 „ ,
eternal multiplicity of one,
immutable, 72, 484
involved in Prakriti, 72
Kshara, Akshara and Uttama, 73
multiple, 83
multiplicity of, 64, 69, 71 :
mutable or mobile, 484
no bigger than the thumb, 251
sacrifice of, 245
supreme, 269, 272, 375, 441, 503
three, 399-411
triple or threefold, 73, 77, 195, 209
triple status of, 72, 77, 82
Uttama, 73, 372
Vedantic conception of, 71
Virat, 325 ,
Purusārtha, 80
Purusha-Sukta, Vedic, 469
-Yajna, 132
Purushottama, 29, 35, 73,
74, 79, 82,
85, 108, 113, 115, 121, 123,
124, 133, 134, 136, 138, 160,
166, 170, 213, 214, 223, 227,
244, 253, 254, 255, 258, 265,
266, 271, 273, 294,
304, 381,
404-11, 441, 442, 446, 452,
453, 490, 491, 501, 503, 510,
530, 542
as the highest
among the three
Purushas, 404-11
Gita's idea of, 404-11
supertheistic idea of, 170
Purva Mimansa, 80
Quantitative action
of Nature, 390
action of qualities of Nature, 394
aspect of Nature and physical Science, 390
Qualities or qualitative
modes of Nature, (see Gunas and also
Modes), 94, 394
Quiescence of Sannyasa, 408, 423
Quietism, absolute, 499
divine, 278
inner, 485, 488
Quietist-ic, 129, 130, 131, 278, 310,
Rahasyam uttamam,
Uttamam rahasyam), 105, 106
Rain and sacrifice, 105, 106
Rajas, the principle of passion, action and struggling emotion, 49, 66, 200, 201, 202, 341,
391, 392, 393, 395, 396, 397, 422, 429
Rajasic ego or egoism, (see Egoism, Rajasic)
kinesis, 425
Raja Yoga, 9, 64, 110,
218, 221
Rajayogic meditation, 220
Rajayogins, 112
Rājyam samrddham,
124, 190, 355
Rakshasa-s, 167, 298, 332, 342, 356, 357, 430, 431
Rakshasic forces, 444
nature, 160, 298, 431.
Rama, 152, 155, 156, 333
of the axe,
Ramakrishna, 31
Ramanuja, Visishtadwaita
doctrine of, 409
Ramayana, 430
Rosa, the pleasure of the sense in the object, 92, 179
the sap in the earth-mother, 410
Ravana, 156
Razor's edge, 311
Real, the, 288, 295, 299
Reality of self and of cosmos, 411
of the supracosmic, 411
Realisation, 36
Reality, 58, 309, 321, 326,359
divine, 288, 309
Rebirth, 132
theory of, 469
Recoil, self-protecting, 177
tamasic, 52, 178
Reformation in Europe, 155
Religion, 3, 5, 35
ordinary, 303
Religions, kinetic
and emotional, 310
of Bhakti, 263
of India or Religion, Indian, 9, 350
Remembrance of Divine Being, uninterrupted, 269, 270, 273
Renunciation, 29, 36, 51, 76, 77, 79,
97, 98, 99, 119, 220, 408,
442, 452, 453, 454, 455, 483,
485, 517
inner, 454,, 455
mental and spiritual, 452
of action, 222, 452, 530
of desire, 29, 36, 119, 177, 423, 452, 454, 485, 501
of life and works, 28, 51, 76, 77,
78, 97, 98,99,177,184, 275,
311, 408, 423, 452, 453, 483
of liking and disliking, 489
of objects by the senses, 489
of works and Yoga of works, 184
outer and inner, 52, 79, 119, 442, 453, 485
physical, 453
tamasic, rajasic and sattwic, 454
Result, three kinds of, 454
Revelation-s, 3, 326, 335, 338, 347
of modern knowledge, 9
of Truth, 63
Revelatory knowledge and
critical intelligence, 282
Rigveda, 184, 185,430
Rik, 300
Rishi-s, 8, 9, 316, 317,
327, 333, 348
Ritualism, 105
Roman institutions, 189
Rudra-s, 39, 251, 332, 347, 349, 354,
and tamas, 391
forces in man and nature,
the Dancer, 349
Rule of the Shastra, right, (see Vidhi)
Rūpa, a self-created form, 284
Śabdabrahma, 81, 85
Sachi, 20
Sacrifice, 65, 80, 83, 97,
103, 105-13,
115, 116, 117, 120, 121, 297,
298, 301, 302, 303, 314, 351,
361, 368, 419, 431, 442, 444,
. 448, 453, 465, 509, 523, 539, 544
as symbolism, born from work, 105, 107,
ceremonial, 105, 106, 107
cosmic, 279
idea of-in Gita, 5, 103,
law of the world, 112
Master of, (see Master of Sacrifice)
of knowledge, 299
of Purusha, Universal being
as, 449
of soul in Nature to the supreme Soul, 281
of works, 278, 480
offered to Ishwara, 104
tamasic, rajasic and sattwic, 443, 444-46
to partial godheads, 303
to the ego, 419
Sādhanā, 227, 481
Sādharmya, 126, 322, 386, 388 f, 390, 542
Sādrsya, 126, 365
Sage-s, 380, 387
characteristics of, 380
Saguna, the Personal, 210
Sahaja, 470
Sāksi, 66, 71
Sakya State, government of,
Sālokya, 126 f, 365
Salvation, Gita's way of, 411
Sāma, 300, 333
Samadhi, 25, 65, 81, 94, 216, 216; 220, 224,453
Samāhita, 200, 220
Samam brahma, 185, 500
Sama-veda, 333
Samgha, 156, 158, 159
Sāmīpya, 365
Sammoha, 321
Samrāt, 124, 180, 189
Samurai, Japanese ideal of, 48
Samyama, 200
Samyatendriyah, 187
Sanction, 70, '208, 275, 289, 312, 364
cosmic, 275
divine, 364
giver of, 66, 208, 527
Sankhya, 7, 49, 63, 64, 65, 67, 69,
71, 72, 74-79, 81, 82, 84, 89,
103, 195, 197, 208, 210, 486
and Yoga—Gita's distinction between, 63, 65, 80, 104
and Yoga—Reconciliation between, 75-77
as a Yoga of Knowledge, 65,
76, 78
Karikas of Ishwara Krishna, 64
non-theistic or "atheistic," 7
Vedantic, 65, 76
Sannyāsa, 29, 50, 51, 75, 78, 119,
169, 177, 184, 219, 406, 408,
423, 442, 452, 453, 455, 485,
and tyāga, distinction between, 169, 442, 452-55
Sannyasa and Yoga of works, 184
Sannyasin, 76, 120, 124, 169, 212, 219
Sanskaras, 500
Sāntim nirvānā-paramām,
215, 221
Sap in the earth-mother, 410
Śarira-yātrā, 99
Sarva-bhāva, 508
Sarvabhūta, 114,
216, 217, 290, 421
Sarvabhūta-hite ratāh, 210 .
Sarvadharmān parityajya, 480, 512
Sarvārambha, 486
Sarvavid, 411
Sat, 438, 449
Satan, 158
Satatam maccittah,
497, 504
Sattvānurūpā sarvasya śraddhā, 440
Sattwa, (also sattva) the principle of
poise, knowledge and satisfaction, 49, 50, 55, 66, 200, 201,
202, 341, 391, 392, 393, 395,
396, 397, 422, 427, 429, 439
and work of Brahmin, 471-72
as mediator between higher and lower nature, 429
as quality of preserver Vishnu, 391
Sattwic askesis, three kinds of, 447
egoism, (see Egoism, sattwic),
guna, transformation of, 428-29
Ideals and their limitations, 498-99
Satyam, 432
Sāyujya, 126, 365
Science, discoveries of physical, 3
Modern—and old truths, 39
Modem,—and Sankhya, 68
Physical, 3, 390
Scripture, 5, 32, 34, 37, 63, 81, 85,
Scriptures, divine, 85
of the world, 85
sacred and profane, 3,
Secondary subjective becomings of
Nature, 249
Secret, Nature's deepest, 278
Seers, 9, 270, 272, 317, 327
divine, 327
seven original, 317
Seer-poets, 147, 333
Self, 26, 29, 58, 59, 62, 71, 72, 79,
94, 105, 110, 113, 122, 171,
186, 194, etc.
absolute, 217, 491
all-conscious, 522
and cosmic Nature, antinomy between, 243
and human personality, antinomy between, 280
and individual being in Nature, distinction between, 240
and Nature, antinomy between, 280
and not-self, 309, 400
apparent, 19, 196
as foundation of cosmic existence, 7
divine, 19, 291, 322, 331, 343,
immanent in all things, 243
immobile, 71, 72, 118, 123
immutable, (see also
Aksara and
Akshara Purusha), 71, 72,
113, 214, 215, 230, 234, 241,
243, 267, 279, 281, 289, 312,
358, 362, 366, 375, 404, 410,
418, 419, 486, 534
impersonal, 119, 121, 254,
326, 376, 416, 418
in mankind, 110
individual, 211
inmost, 314
inner, 299, 331
mobile power and
stability of, 401
mutable, 243
omnipresent, 230
of all existences, 184,
190, 276,
of all, one, 408
real, 19, 196, 384
reality of, 411
superficial mental, 88
supracosmic, 292-93
Supreme, 36, 73, 106, 166,
217, 292-93, 325, 383, 386,
411, 414, 417, 490, 491, 540
timeless, 279, 281
unchanging imperishable,
universal, 109, 278, 414,
unmanifest, 243
witnessing, 210, 289
Yoga, 220
Self-annihilation of the Buddhists, 96
-annulment and
self-fulfilment, 263
-assertion of life against
life, 41
-becoming, 265, 281, 338,
-being, 285, 291
-conception, 284, 358, 389
-conscient spirit or
Witness, 416
-conscious spirit, 286
-consciousness, 180, 475
-delight, 109, 120
-determination, 418
-discipline, 59, 178,
306, 452, 481
-discipline, sattwic, 452
-exceeding, 362, 431
-existent, 77, 140, 208,
234, 286,
300, 320 f, 419, 453
-existent being, 296
-extension in the
universe. Godhead's, 330
-extinction (see Nirvana)
-extinction in the Akshara,
-finding, 264, 476, 525
-fulfilment, 263, 264, 339,
-giving, 191, 264, 300,
302, 304,
305, 342, 377, 444, 448, 465,
-introspection, 452
-knowledge, 117, 170,
172, 180,
185, 275
-manifestation-s, 58,
280, 294, 295,
301, 304, 329
-mastery of the soul, 180,
189, 199,
206, 485, 519
-Maya, 134, 142
-Nature, 247, 248, 331
-offering, 299, 406, 448,
-power, 281, 318, 339, 418,
-protecting recoil, 177
-protection, Nature's
principle of,
-purification, doing works
for, 169
-purification, Yoga for,
-representations, 140, 141
-revelation, 301, 346
-ruler, (see Svarat)
-sacrifice, 41
-seeing of the Self, 402
-seeing Soul, 331
-surrender, 191, 284, 304,
306, 307,
325, 327, 372, 429, 501, 523
-vision, 269, 281, 336, 456
-Yoga, 361
Senses as Prakriti and as
Divine, 248,
379, 409
five, 248, 379, 409
limitation of, 382
objects of, (see Objects of
Sensory consciousness, 248
relations, 247
Sense-functions, ten, 67
-mind, 89, 90, 382, 506
Separativism of relative existence, 402
Serpents, divine, 348
Shabda, 273
Shakas, 40
Shaktas, 99
Shakti, 99, 128, 164, 241,
244, 247,
251, 266, 340, 342, 382, 400,
417, 453, 456,
492, 502, 539
creative, 44
Shaktism, 329
Shankara's Mayavada, 288
Shastra, 6, 21, 101, 102, 302, 411,
435, 436, 437, 438-40, 444,
and personal desire, 436
fixed rules of—and liberty of the spirit, 439
meaning of, 6, 435
Sheath, fivefold, 378
Shiva, 39, 84, 332
Shudra, (see Sudra)
Siddha, 537
Siddhas, 348, 356, 357
Siddhi, 98, 135, 483
Siddhi, parā, 388 f
Sin as working of lower
nature, 254
Skanda, the war-god, 332
Sleep of the soul, 95
Society, fourfold order of, 6, 466
So'ham, 280
Solar dynasty or line, 133,
Soma, 356, 410
Soma-wine, 110
Son, symbol of divine Man 149
of Man, 136
Soul, 57, 58, 62, 66, 67,
68, 92, 168,
180, 189, 208, 210, 212, 244,
255, 279, 295, 299, 301, 302,
313, 320, 377, 389, 390, 415,
420, 461, 477, 485, 489, 496,
and Nature as two aspects
of Brahman, 383
and Nature, distinction between, 383-84
and Nature, relations of,
and Over-soul, union of, 327
apparent, 116
as a spectator, 208
as reality, 57
as spark of divine Fire,
chosen and beloved, 508
conscious, 66, 208, 346, 506
constituting the Nature, 210
cosmic, 210
desire, (see
ego—(see Ego-soul)
309, 311, 361, 368, 376, 386, 388, 455, 543
embodied—and action, 455
embodied—and Supreme Soul, distinction between, 386
human, 163, 165, 196, 210, 278, 290, 308, 310, 316, 335,
336, 360, 369, 377, 408, 421,
in (or of) humanity, 289, 351
in manifestation, double nature of, 263
in nature, 169, 265, 267, 281, 294, 352, 381, 407, 409, 434,
in Nature, Sacrifice of, 281
immutable—of the Sankhyas, 230
impersonal, 119
inactive-of the Sankhyas,
78, 208
individual, 402, 497
indwelling and overdwelling, 150
liberated, 167, 419, 426
manifest in Nature, 210
multiple, 244, 245, 253, 258, 418
Nature, (see
nature of, 58
of all souls, 317
of life, 410
of matter, 410
of mind, 410
of mutable things, 410
of mutuality and relation, 477
of supramental light, 410
of the universe, multiple, 418
of the world, 419
plurality of, 401
self-seeking, 331
supreme, 244, 263, 270, 279, 281, 299, 317, 325, 363-65, 490, 491, 530
universal, 171, 344, 400,
witnessing, 208, 323
Soul's movement in Time, goal of, 270
self, loss of ego in, 278
Soul-becoming, 496
-consciousness, 89, 198,
-force, 42, 228, 432, 459
-instincts, 228
-nature, lowest status of,
-outlook and
soul-experience, 69
-power, 390, 421
Space, Time and, 266, 279,
284, 285,
294, 330, 399, 403, 529, 530
Speculations of philosophic intellect, 7
Spirit, 37, 59, 240, 243, 244, 245,
246, 287, 288, 295, 311, 346,
358, 361, 363, 376, 400, 419,
427, 439, 449, 455, 461, 480,
501, 503, 509, 527, 529, 533,
as master of time, 421
elect or chosen of die,
511, 541
embodied, 378
eternal, 57, 58, 61
ideative, 390
immutable, 291, 376
imperishable, 251
indwelling, 371
life in, 37, 57
of the cosmos. (or Cosmic
491, 531
of the future, creative,
of the past, withdrawing,
of the present, sustaining,
of the universe, 474
Supreme, 245, 368, 489
transcendent, 244, 359, 363, 474
universal, 331, 359, 363, 456, 474,
479, 487
unmanifest, 243
Spiritual action or works, 412, 417
consciousness, 8, 286, 337, 388,
408, 422, 502, 523
ideal, 518
impersonality, 165, 366,
individual, 502
individuality, 503, 510
kāma, 250
knowledge, synthesis of, 8
light, change of sattwa
into, 429
man, passivity of, 40
nature, supreme, 249, 475,
476, 503
person, (purusa),
personality, 530
predestination, 433
release, 485
seeking, 9
thought, 10
truth, 8, 10, 312, 425, 515
universality, 377, 511
welfare, 10
Spirituality, 31
Indian, 7
Sraddhā, 187,
269, 275, 328, 436
439, 440, 441, 442, 449, 451,
454, 526
and jñaña,
and sattva,
sattwic, rajasic and tamasic, 439, 440, 442
Śraddhāmaya purusa, 440
Śraddhāvān, 187, 225
Śruti, 81, 82
Standards of duty or conduct, 30
of Right and Justice, 60
of thoughts and action,
ordinary, 12
of virtue, human, 544
Status, supreme, (.see Supreme status)
Stoic, 174, 178, 180, 189
Streams of Truth, 185
Strife, Law of, 41
Struggle for life, 39, 41
Subjective becomings of Nature, 249
Subliminal, 306, 466, 467, 471, 472, 477, 478, 479
Sudra-s, 306, 466, 467,
471, 472,
477, 478, 479
comparative spiritual
disabilities of, 6
natural work of, 466
Sukham, (mental happiness), 427, 463
and Ananda, 463
Sukha, (happiness), tamasic, rajasic and sattwic, 462-63
Sukrti, 256
-God, 133
Superconscience, 422, 441
Superconscient causal Purusha, 449
nature, 542
omnipotence, spirit of, 301
plane, 149
power, 301
Will, 527
Superconscious Nature, 74,
Superconsciousness, 441, 544
Super-existence, 313
-person, 422
Superman, 54, 126, 136, 343
Supermanhood, 126, 343
Supersoul, divine or cosmic, 194, 218
Supertheistic idea of
Purushottama, 170
290, 292, 295, 316,
Absolute, 287, 326
Being, 290
Divine, 294
Eternity, 316, 381
existence, 288, 290, 542
mystery of universe, 28 S
Reality, 281, 285
superconscience, 422
status, 381
truth, 240, 286
unmanifest, 271
Supramental Ananda
and power and
gnosis, 496
infinite, 288
knowledge, 382, 427
seeing of things, 491
vastness, 249
Suprapersonal Divine,
Supraphysical centre, descent from,
planes, 407, 434 f
the, 29, 31, 35, 121, 186,
188, 235, 241, 253
Being, (see Being, Supreme)
Form, 247
Nature or Prakriti—(see
Supreme);—spirit in, 266 ,
Prakriti that has become
the Jiva—
(see Para prakrti that has become the Jiva)
secret, (see also
uttamam rahasyam), 285, 481, 482, 494-514
Self, (see Self, Supreme)
status, 385, 387, 388
Surrender, 87, 191, 257, 297, 301,
302, 304, 325, 371, 495,496,
500, 509, 511, 512, 538, 542
Svabhāva, (also Swabhava), 73, 108,
141, 170, 212, 243, 248, 250,
265, 266, 267, 268, 318, 372,
415, 421, 434, 464, 465, 466,
467, 470, 471, 475, 476, 479,
480, 506, 507, 509, 539, 543,
Svabhāvaja, 470
Svabhāvajam karma, 470
Svabhāva-niyatam karma, 453,
467, 470
Svadharma, (also
Swadharma), 59,
466, 470, 471, 473, 475, 476,
480, 509, 544
Svām prakrtim or Svā prakrtih, 210, 372, 486
Svaprakāśa, 470
Svarāt, 124, 180, 189
Svarūpa, the eternal form, 284, 316
of four general kinds, 466
Switra, the White Mother, 20
Synthesis, metaphysical, 325
of Devotion
and Knowledge, 239, 253-62
of knowledge, works and devotion, 15,74,296
of Sankhya and Yoga, 75, 81, 82;–and Vedanta,
82, 376
of the Gita, 9, 63, 80, 81-82, 296, 304
of the psychological being
of man, 8
of works and knowledge, 81-82
psychological, 325
spiritual, of the Upanishads, 8, 9
Tantric, 9
Vedic, 8
Synthetic Yoga, 412
Sysiphus, labour of, 298
Taijasa, 301 f
Tamas, the principle of ignorance and inertia, 41, 49, 51, 55,
66, 198, 201, 202, 341, 391-97, 422,425, 426, 429
as quality of destroyer Rudra, 391
Tāmasa sarga or Tamasic creation, 201
Tanmātrās, five, 247
Tantra, 9, 77, 85, 482
Tantric Shaktas, 99
synthesis, 9
Tantrics, 9
Tao, 500
Taoist thinkers, 500, 501
Tapas, 339, 426 f, 443, 448, 459, 465
Tapasyā, 17, 218, 248, 443, 446,'447, 448, 539 ;
Tapasya, Asuric,
involuntary, 443
tamasic, rajasic and
sattwic, 446-48
Tapo-yajña, 112
Tat, 449
Sankhya, 67
Tattvajñāna, 264
Teacher, Divine, 11, 15, 24, 28, 35,
50,53, 83,241, 326, 380, 528,
Divine personality of, 12
Tejah, 432
Teutonic, 53
Thoughts, the seven—of the Veda, 317
Threefold or triple
Purusha, 77, 195
Thunderbolt, divine, 333
Time, 31, 186, 266, 267, 279, 291,
292, 294, 316, 322, 331, 332,
333, 344, 349, 350, 353, 357,
359, 360, 387, 399, 400, 403,
405, 492, 529, 530, 544
and immortality,
387, 492
and Space, 266, 279, 284,
285, 291,
294, 331, 399, 403, 529, 530
and the Eternal, 31, 316,
Godhead self-fulfilled in,
manifestation in, 531
Space and Causality, 266,
Space and Circumstance, 399
Spirit in, 511
the Destroyer, 346-62
the head of all reckoning,
Truth expressing itself
in, 4
Timeless, the 51, 353
being, 280, 401, 403
eternity,, 270
Time-figure of Godhead, 345
-spirit, 274, 288, 352,
353, 354, 355, 431, 531
Titan-s, 55, 156, 316, 327, 332, 341, 349, 350, 430, 431
Titanic nature, 54, 160
powers, 158
Titiksā, 174, 179
Tolstoy, 33
Touches, outward—of things, 67
Traigunya, 50, 186, 431
Traigunyamayi māyā, 377
Traigunyātīta, 170, 173, 389
Traigunya-visayā vedāh, 407
Trance, (see also Samadhi)
64, 221
Transfigurations of Chaitanya, 149
Transcendence, 36, 43, 44, 45, 316, 318, 320, 335, 359, 362,
492, 530
Transcendent, the 43, 219,
293, 319, 340, 362, 400, 510, 540
Eternity, 381
Godhead, mystery of, 284
Transformation, divine, 430
of lower nature, 423
Tree of cosmic existence or cosmos, 407
Trigunatita, 35, 50, 170, 204, 211, 212, 424
Trinity, Christian, 149
of Creator, preserver and
destroyer, 42, 43, 357, 391
Triple Purusha, 72, 77, 82
Truth, empirical and spiritual, 312
expressing itself in Time, 4
God's, 3
metaphysical and intellectual, 4
of relations, 312
one and eternal, 4
revelation of, 63
spiritual, 6, 312
Sun of, 184
the foundation of spirituality, 42,43
Truths of Sankhya, 65
Turiya, the fourth state, 301 f, 449
Tyaga or tyāga, 169, 443, 452, 454, 455, 485, 489
Tyāga and
sannyāsa, distinction between, 169, 443, 451-55, 485
U, the letter, 449
't the spirit of the subtle
and internal, 301f
Uchchaihsravas, India's
horse, 333
Udasmavat, 190
Udasmata, 174
Un-Aryan, 55, 57, 353
Unborn, the 13, 15, 327, 405
birth of the, 139
Pralniti, 72
Purushas, 72
Understanding, tamasic,
rajasic or sattwic, 460-62
Unity and multiplicity, as greater and lesser truths, 245
Universal being as sacrifice of Purusha, 449
peace, 46
Universe and the transcendent or the supracosmic,
284, 285
in space and time, 284, 285
Unknowable, 309
Unmanifest, the, 271, 364
birth from and going back
to the, 271
Upanishads, 4, 8, 11, 17,
32, 38, 39,
63, 65, 72, 73, 80, 81, 82, 84,
85, 90, 91, 103, 188, 240,246,
272, 280, 311, 329, 402, 508
Chandogya, 14
Isha, 403 f
Kena, 403 f
Mandukya, 301f, 403
Swetaswatara, 403
Upholder of Nature, 71, 527
Ushanas,-148, 334,403
Uttama, 73
Purusha, 372, 405
Uttamam rahasyam, 13, 74, 115, 128,
136, 213, 264, 420, 428, 503,
Uttara Mimansa, 80
Vairāgya, 488, 489
Vaishnava, 148
adoration, (or bhakti),
159, 360
bhakti, (or adoration, 159,
philosophies, 84
Theism, 8
Vaishnavism, 159, 329
Vaishya, 306, 466, 467, 472, 478
natural work of, 466
Vak, 248
Vamana, 152, 156
Varna system, 470
Varuna, 332, 356
Vasishtha's use of
soul-force, 40
Vast, the, 389
Vasudeva, 147, 242, 260, 272, 280,
288, 293, 295, 318, 327, 329,
338, 400, 403, 417, 421, 44,
452, 487, 492, 503, 510, 53
Vasudevah sarvam iti, 272, 288, 314 318
Vasuki the snake-god, 333
Vasus, 332
Vayu, 356, 401
Veda-s, 4, 11, 81, 82, 85, 106, 10; 317, 407, 449
knower of, 410
triple, 407
Veda-knower, 407
Vedanta, 75, 81, 82, 84,
85, 99, 311
325, 510
maker of, 410
of the Upanishads, 311
Vedantic, 7, 63, 379, etc.
authorities, 8
Monism, 64
philosophy, 56
Sankhya, 65, 71, 76
schools, 65 :
synthesis, 9, 65
truth, 64, 75, 114
utterances, great, 110
view of life, 12, 138
Yoga, 71, 79
Vedantins, 9, 84, 85
Vedantism, 103
Vaishnava form of, 13
Vedantists, 104, 230
Vedavada, 80, 83, 407
Vedavadins, 80, 83, 91, 95
Vedic exegisis, methods of, 85
hymns, 80
mystics, 110
philosophies, 77
rhythms, (chhandāmsi),
rite, 300
sacrifices, 80, 82, 102,
103, 101
sages, 126
seers, 8
synthesis, 8
Vedism, 103, 104 '
Vedist and Vedantist ideals, 106
dogma, 106
Vibhu, 289, 331
Vibhūti, 137, 143, 147, 148, 15;
154, 297, 327, 329, 330, 33] 333, 338, 340, 342, 344, 34,
3S2, 363, 366, 511, 513,
Vibhūti and Avatar, distinction between, 147-48
Vibhuti, Theory of, 335-45, 340
Vibhuti-Yoga, 330, 336
Vicāra, (also Vichara), 79
Vichitravirya, 14
Vidhi, 82, 444, 445
Vidyāmāyā, 143
Vijñāna, the direct spiritual awareness,
(The Idea), 389, 390, 391
Vikāra, 90
Vinasti, 476, 505
Virat, 301
Virgin Mother, 149
Visarga, 108, 267
Visayas, 90, 92, 179
Vishnu, 84, 148, 155, 251, 332, 354,
and sattwa, 391
Vision, 274, 275, 296, 299,
314, 331,
347, 348, 349, 360, 362, 366,
false egoistic, 126
inner human, 335
integral, 326
of God, 282, 296, 303, 537
of Nature, 277
of Spirit, 277
of the Upanishads, 402
of unity, 257
of World-Purusha, 239, 335,
spiritual, 409
Visishtadwaita doctrine of Ramanuja, 408
Viswamitra's military
violence, 40
Vital force, 410
reactions, 443
Vivasvan, 25, 133
Viveka, 79
Vivekananda, 31
Vrindavan, 15
Vrishnis, 147, 333
Vyasa, 147, 148, 327, 334, 403
Vyavahāra, 312
Vyavasāya, 89, 91
War and Indian Civilisation, 47
as an aspect of life, 39,
47, 48
Heraclitus and, 38
Wheel of Brahman, 114
of delusion, 276
Will, 19, 116, 156, 165, 204, 205,
207, 234, 235, 344, 351, 368,
414, 528
divine, 30, 116, 156, 165,
189, 191,
192, 194, 213, 235, 274, 344,
352, 420, 425, 426, 456, 458,
537, 538, 541
egoistic, 457
Free, 201, 203, 204-08
freedom of, 202
immanent and superconscient, 527
of desire, egoistic, 458
of ego and determinism of Nature,
205, 526, 536
of Sacrifice, 368
omniscient, 452
-to-be, 342, 440
to live, 518, 521
to power, 518, 521
universal in Nature, 279
Wind-God, 333
Wisdom, all-seeing, 512
divine, 156, 317, 380, 545
Withdrawal of consent, Purusha's, 70
Witness, 66, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73,
129, 289, 290, 312, 320, 384,
415, 416
Womb of all beings, 244
Word, the, 81, 86, 134, 300
directly inspired, 63
of God, 3
Supreme, 308-24, 315, 482, 507,
of Brahmin and Kshatriya, internal character of, 471
of Vaishya and Sudra as external
sacrifice born of, 105, 107
that should be done, (see
Kartavyam karma) that should be done, three main
elements of, 442
Work's completion in Knowledge, 184
Works as a sacrifice, 36, 76, 183, 235,
256, 279, 351
as an offering, 35, 351
as operation of Universal Force, 36
divine, 122, 128, 132, 135, 151,
154-61, 162, 492, 540
Doctrine of, 98
five causes or indispensable requisites of, 455
inferior to Yoga of intelligence,
Lord of, 166, 235
Master of, (see Master of Works)
mental impulsion to, 351
of liberated soul—(see muktasya
spiritual norm of, 412
three kinds of, 106
Yoga of, (see Yoga of Works)
Worker, divine, 162, 164, 165, 465
Eternal, 502, 537
World, a partial manifestation
of Godhead, 337
as a chaos and a clash, 44
World-Being, 275
-consciousness, 216
-energy, Modes of, 49
-existence as sacrifice offered by
Nature to Purusha, 121,—laws of,
42;-mystery of, 336
-Form, 355
-Power, 42
-Purusha, 239, 335, 351, 353, 354
-sacrifice, 132
-Spirit, (see World-Purusha)
-Spirit, the Vision of the—(see Vision of the World-Spirit)
-Teacher, 16, 19
-Yoga, 366
Yadava, 357, 359
Yajña, 82, 106,
108, 110
Yajur, 300
Yakshas, 332, 444
Yama, lord of the Law, 333,
Yantra, engine of Nature,
Yantrārudha, 201
Yatis, 216
Yoga, 7, 25, 63, 64, 65,
66, 71, 74,
75, 76, 77, 104, 110 111,
121, 126, 133, 164, 170, 186,
214, 216, 220, 221, 222, 223,
225, 229, 242, 269, 279, 321,
322, 346, 347, 364, 488, 508,
510, 512, 513, 523, 539
ancient and original, 133
Aphorisms of Patanjali, 64
as skill in works, 95, 164,
as winning of spiritual
bliss, 221
Bhakti, (see Bhaktiyoga)
divine—(see Divine Yoga)
for self-purification, 221
goal of, 121
hill of, 34
Jnana, (see Jnanayoga)
Karma, (see Karmayoga)
Master of,
(see Master of Yoga)
of action, 369, 537
Adoration, (see also Bhaktiyoga, 365
of dejection of Arjuna, 37
of desireless works or action, 101, 369
of devotion, 381
of Gita, 64, 314, 493, 494, 511, 516
of integral knowledge, integral works and integral bhakti, Gita's, 511, 529
of intelligent will, (Buddhi Yoga), 71, 75, 87, 88,
89,92,97,101, 323, 494
of Knowledge, (see also
of love and adoration, 326, 540
of Patanjali, 7
of sacrifice of works, 133
of the Buddhi, 71, 75, 88,
323, 487
of the Sankhyas, 384, 486
of the whole being, 214
of works, (see also Karmayoga), 76 98, 100, 184, 218, 326,
silent and solitary, 222
synthetic, 412
Vedantic, 72, 79
Yogas, Hatha and Raja, 9
Yogah karmasu kauśalam, 164, 200
Yoga-ksema, 223, 303
Yogamaya, 141, 143, 286, 290, 400
Yoga-self, 220
Yoga-yajña, 112
Yogesvarah, 393
Yogin-s, 75, 111, 195, 220, 222, 223,
224, 225, 275, 313, 329, 331,
486, 538
the perfect, 182, 423
Yogin's times of leaving the body, 272
Yugadharma, 30
Yukta, 93
two senses
of, i.e., 1) in Yoga and
2) in moderation, 222-23
Zoroaster, 430
Zoroastrianism, 158