Vol. 8


  January 4, 1967
January 9, 1967
January 11, 1967
January 14, 1967
January 18, 1967
January 21, 1967
January 25, 1967
January 28, 1967
January 31, 1967

February 4, 1967
February 8, 1967
February 11, 1967
February 15, 1967
February 18, 1967
February 21, 1967
February 22,1967
February 25, 1967

March 2, 1967
March 4, 1967
March 7, 1967
March 11, 1967
March 15, 1967
March 22, 1967
March 25, 1967
March 29, 1967

April 3, 1967
April 5, 1967
April 12, 1967
April 13, 1967
April 19, 1967
April 22, 1967
April 24, 1967
April 27, 1967
April 29, 1967

May 3, 1967
May 6, 1967
May 10, 1967
May 13, 1967


May 17, 1967
May 20, 1967
May 24, 1967
May 26, 1967
May 27, 1967
May 30, 1967

June 3, 1967
June 7, 1967
June 14, 1967
June 17, 1967
June 21, 1967
June 24, 1967
June 28, 1967
June 30, 1967

July 5, 1967
July 8, 1967
July 12, 1967
July 15, 1967
July 19, 1967
July 22, 1967
July 26, 1967
July 29, 1967

August 2, 1967
August 5, 1967
August 12, 1967
August 15, 1967
August 16, 1967
August 19, 1967
August 26, 1967
August 30, 1967

September 3, 1967
September 6, 1967
September 9, 1967
September 13, 1967
September 16, 1967
September 20, 1967
September 23, 1967
September 30, 1967


October 4, 1967
October 5, 1967
October 7, 1967
October 11, 1967
October 14, 1967
October 19, 1967
October 21, 1967
October 25, 1967
October 28, 1967
October 30, 1967

November 4, 1967
November 8, 1967
November 10, 1967
November 15, 1967
November 18, 1967
November 22, 1967

July, 1965
July, 1965
July, 1965
November 22, 1967

November 25, 1967
November 29, 1967

December 2, 1967
December 6, 1967
December 8, 1967
December 13, 1967
December 16, 1967
December 20, 1967
December 27, 1967
December 30, 1967

December 8, 1967

The only somewhat new thing is that the body is beginning to be a bit ... restless at its decay. Before, it didn't bother about it, it didn't give it any thought; it knew it was going on, but ... Now, it's beginning to be bothered. So perhaps it's a sign, I don't know? It's beginning to be bothered - not psychologically, but like this: when it receives a Command to do something and there is, not exactly an incapacity, but a limitation to the possibility, that starts its unhappiness. So I wondered ...

Then at night it's the same thing, it says, "Why such a whole long period of diminishing consciousness?"


You understand, it's happy and in what it regards as its normal state only when it's fully conscious of and vibrating with the Presence. But in the night's activities ... (how can I explain?) it's becoming more ... more like something one is used to, you know, like a habit (gesture of a wave flowing); there's no longer the joy of a vibrating observation, but a normal state of things, and it's not happy with that: it wants the same intensity (vibrating gesture) to be there at night. For instance, it doesn't tolerate the idea of fatigue, of the necessity of rest (although that never arises from the inconscient any longer), but rest as a sort of turning in on oneself, like that, to repair wear and tear - it doesn't like that: there must be no wear and tear, there must be a constant adaptation to anything asked of it. Later, it will probably not even accept effort

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 - there isn't much "effort" left, but instead of effort, there's a sort of conscious receptivity that enables it to do things; and there are constant examples to show that if this receptivity isn't there, well, there's an awkward movement, or an impossibility, things like that, but it ... in the past, it used to feel that was unavoidable, but now it no longer wants it. Now it no longer wants it: things must not be like that. For example, to put something away or find it or do something, it sometimes feels a sense of difficulty (it's never quite impossible because nothing is asked of it which is impossible), but at times it's difficult - and a sense of displeasure comes over it. It feels that as an infirmity, as a lack of receptivity, you understand. Also the fact that it has become stooped: in the past it would say, "It'll get corrected"; now it's beginning to lose patience. That's quite new. It began on November 24. Because it's not a selfish turning in on itself, it's not that, it's not for itself, it's ... the sense of a lack of receptivity to the Force, of limitation arising from incapacity - it doesn't like that anymore.

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