Works of Sri Aurobindo

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Chapter 6


Bases of Spiritual Life


The earliest preoccupation of man in his awakened thoughts and, as it seems, his inevitable and ultimate preoccupation … is also the highest which his thought can envisage. It manifests itself in the divination of Godhead, the impulse towards perfection, the search after pure Truth and unmixed Bliss, the sense of a secret immortality. The ancient dawns of human knowledge have left us their witness to this constant aspiration; today we see a humanity satiated but not satisfied by victorious analysis of the externalities of Nature preparing to return to its primeval longings. The earliest formula of Wisdom promises to be its last, — God, Light, Freedom, Immortality.



The spiritual life, the life of Yoga, has for its object to grow into the divine consciousness and for its result to purify, intensify, glorify and perfect what is in you. It  makes you a power of manifestation of the Divine; it raises the character of each personality to its full value and brings it to its maximum expression; for this is part of the Divine plan.



But the very spirit of Yoga is this, to make the exceptional normal, and to turn that which is above us and greater than our normal selves into our own constant consciousness. Therefore we should not hesitate to open ourselves more steadily to whatever experience of the Infinite we have, to purify and intensify it, to make it our object of constant thought and contemplation.




Sincerity means more than mere honesty. It means that you mean what you say, feel  what you profess, are earnest in your will. As the sadhak aspires to be an instrument of the Divine and one with the Divine, sincerity in him means that he is really in earnest in his aspiration and refuses all other will or impulse except the Divine’s.


True sincerity consists in following the way because you cannot do otherwise, in  consecrating yourself to the divine life because you cannot do otherwise, in striving to transform your being and emerge into the Light because you cannot do otherwise, because it is the very reason for which you live.



291 Emotional sincerity

292 Sincerity in the vital



A sincere heart is worth all the extraordinary powers in the world.



Sincerity is the key to the divine doors.


290 Simple sincerity

The beginning of all progress.

Aster amellus. White


291 Emotional sincerity

Does not try to falsify the emotions.

Aster amellus. Lavender pink


292 Sincerity in the vital

The sure way to realisation. Aster amellus. Lavender blue


294 Psychic transparency


293 Transparency

Can only come as a result of perfect sincerity. Callistephus chinensis. Many colours


294 Psychic transparency

Manifests fully only when the psychic is perfectly developed.

Callistephus chinensis. Pink, semidouble


295 Supramentalised psychic activity

Luminous, manifold, balanced, it meets all needs. Callistephus chinensis. Pink, double


296 Transparency of the emotional vital

At once the condition and the result of the abolition of the ego.

Callistephus chinensis. Very light lavender, semidouble


297 Vital transparency

Indispensable for conversion. Callistephus chinensis. Deep mauve to violet, semidouble

298 Supramentalised vital transparency

One of the results of conversion. Callistephus chinensis. Violet, double


299 Transparency in the physical

The physical is preparing itself to be transformed. Callistephus chinensis. Red, semidouble


300 Integral transparency

It is the result of goodwill and perfect sincerity. Callistephus chinensis. White, double


301 Illumined transparency

An effect of the Divine Grace. Callistephus chinensis. White, semidouble


295 Supramentalised psychic activity



302 Purity


This is purity, to accept no other influence but only the influence of the Divine. THE MOTHER


One is truly perfectly pure only when the whole being, in all its elements and all its movements, adheres fully and exclusively to the Divine Will. That is total purity. It does not depend on any moral or social law, any mental convention of any kind. It depends exclusively on this: when all theelements and all the movements of the being adhere exclusively and totally to the Divine Will.


What I call purity, the true purity, is not all those things that morality teaches: it is non-ego. There must be nothing but Him. Him not only because we have given Him everything and consecrated ourselves totally to Him (that is not enough),  but Him because He has taken total possession of the human instrument.




303 Psychic purity


302 Purity

True purity has a lovely fragrance. Jasminum. White


303 Psychic purity

The condition natural to the psychic. Jasminum. White, semidouble


304 Integral purity

The whole being is purified of the ego. Jasminum sambac ‘Grand Duke ofTuscany’. White, double



305 Divine purity


305 Divine purity

It is happy just to be, in all simplicity. Hippobroma longiflora. White


306 Purity arising from perfect consecration

If one lives only for the Divine and by the Divine,

the result is perfect purity. Lilium candidum. Pearl white


307 Power of purity

Purity is the best of powers. Convallaria majalis. White

306 Purity arising from perfect consecration


307 Power of purity




There is a force of purity, not the purity of the moralist,  but an essential purity of spirit, in the very substance of the being.



308 Radiating purity

It charms and fascinates. It makes Nature fragrant.

Gardenia augusta. White


309 Perfect radiating purity

Nothing escapes its action.

Gardenia augusta. White, double


310 Purity in action

When action is initiated by the Divine Will, it is pure.

Stemmadenia litoralis. White


311 Collective purity

A very precious achievement, but difficult to obtain.

Viburnum plicatum. White


312 Spring purity

The charm and freshness of youth.

Crataegus. White

312 Spring purity



313 Integral simplicity


 314 Beauty in collective simplicity

313 Integral simplicity

The simplicity that comes from perfect sincerity.

Vittadinia cuneata. White


314 Beauty in collective simplicity

Each element plays its part in the whole.

Ornithogalum umbellatum. White



As soon as all effort disappears from a manifestation, it becomes very simple, with the simplicity of a flower opening, manifesting its beauty and spreading its fragrance without clamour or vehement gesture. And in this simplicity lies the greatest power, the power which is least mixed and least gives rise to harmful reactions. Simplicity, simplicity! How sweet is the purity of Thy Presence!


Sri Aurobindo’s answer is always the same:  Be simple, be simple, very simple. And I know what he means: to deny entry to regulating, organising, prescriptive, judgmental thought — he wants none of all that. What he calls being simple is a joyful spontaneity; in action, in expression, in movement, in life, be simple, be simple, be simple. A joyful spontaneity.




315 Humility


315 Humility

Adorable in its simplicity.

Agrostis nebulosa. Pale greenish white

316 Modesty


316 Modesty

Is satisfied with its charm and does not attract


Viola odorata. Deep violet


317 Correct self-estimation

Simple and modest, does not try to put itself forward.

Jasminum humile. Yellow  



[Humility is] the recognition that one does not know,* that one knows nothing, and that there may be something beyond what presently appears to us as being truest, noblest, most disinterested. True humility consists in referring oneself constantly to the Lord, in placing everything before Him.  

the mother

317 Correct self-estimation


It is very simple: when you tell people, "Be humble", they immediately think of being humble before other men, and that humility is bad. True humility is humility before the Divine – that is, the precise, exact, living sense that one is nothing, can do nothing, under­stands nothing without the Divine, that even if one is an exceptionally intelligent and capable person, one is nothing in comparison with the Divine Consciousness. And one has to keep that always, because always one has the true attitude of receptivity, a humble receptivity which does not put personal pretension in the way of  the Divine.  

the mother



The more a person is quiet in front of all occurrences, equal in all circumstances, and keeps a perfect mastery of himself and remains peaceful in the presence of whatever happens, the more he has progressed towards the goal.



Equanimity and peace in all conditions, in all parts of the being is the first foundation of the yogic status. Either Light (bringing with it knowledge) or Force (bringing strength and dynamism of many kinds) or Ananda (bringing love and joy of existence) can come next according to the trend of the nature. But peace is the first condition without which nothing else can be stable.



318 Equanimity

Immutable peace and calm. Iberis. Several colours


318 Equanimity


Peace was the very first thing that the yogis and seekers of old asked for and it was a quiet and silent mind – and that always brings peace -that they declared to be the best condition for realising the Divine.



Peace is a deep quietude where no disturbance can come- a quietude with a sense of established security and release.



Peace is a calm deepened into something that is very positive amounting almost to a tranquil waveless Ananda.



319 Peace

To want what You want always and in  every circumstance is the only way to enjoy  an unshakable peace.

Curcuma zedoaria. Yellow


319 Peace


320 Joy of integral peace

Calm and tranquil, an unfailing smile.

Crinum. White with light pink



320 Joy of integral peace



Silence is the condition of the being when it listens to the Divine.



In silence lies the greatest receptivity. And in an immobile silence the vastest action is done. Let us learn to be silent so that the Lord may make use of us.



With words one can at times understand, but only in silence one knows.



321 Silence

The ideal condition for progress. Rich,  profound, multiple.

Passiflora incarnata Xcincinnata ‘Incense’.

Royal purple


321 Silence

This power of silence is a capacity and not an incapacity, a power and not a weakness. It is a profound and pregnant stillness. Only when the mind is thus entirely still, like clear, motionless and level water, in a perfect purity and peace of the whole being and the soul transcends thought, can the Self which exceeds and originates all activities and becomings, the Silence from which all words are born, the Absolute of which all relativities are partial reflections manifest itself in the pure essence of our being. In a complete silence only is the Silence heard; in a pure peace only is its Being revealed. Therefore to us the name of That is the Silence and the Peace.



322 Integral silence

The source of true force.

Passiflora foetida. White


322 Integral silence

323 Expressive silence

Certain silences are revealing and more expressive than words.

Linaria maroccana. Several colours


323 Expressive silence



324 Gratitude


324 Gratitude

It is you who open all the closed doors and allow  the saving Grace to enter.

Ipomoea camea. White to pale pink


There is nothing that gives you a joy equal to that of gratitude. You hear a bird sing, you see a lovely flower, you look at a little child, observe an act of generosity, read a beautiful sentence, look at the setting sun, anything whatever: suddenly this comes upon you, this kind of emotion, so deep, so intense, that the world manifests the Divine that there is something behind the world which is the Divine.



And yet, of all movements, the one that perhaps gives the most joy—an unalloyed joy, untainted by egoism – is spontaneous gratitude. It is something very special. It isn’t love, it isn’t self-giving. It is a very full joy. Very full. It is a very special vibration unlike anything other than itself. It is something that widens you, that fills you, that is so fervent!  Of all the movements within the reach of human consciousness, it is certainly the one that draws you most out of your ego. . . .When you can enter this vibration in its purity, you realise immediately that it has the same quality as the vibration of Love: it is directionless. .. . Ultimately, gratitude is only a very slightly coloured shade of the essential vibration of Love.



325 Detailed gratitude


326 Mental gratitude

327 Integral gratitude


325 Detailed gratitude

The gratitude that awakens in us all the details of the Divine Grace. Merremia quinquefolia. White


326 Mental gratitude

The gratitude of the mind for what makes it progress.

Merremia. tuberosa. Golden yellow


327 Integral gratitude

The whole being offers itself to the Lord with absolute trust.

Operculina turpethum. White


328 Happy heart


328 Happy heart

Smiling, peaceful, radiant, without a shadow. Ravenia spectabilis. Bright rose pink



330 Mental cheerfulness

It knows how to enjoy everything.

Gaillardia pulchella. Yellow


For your heart to remain happy keep it always filled with gratefulness. Gratefulness is the surest way to the Divine.



329 Cheerfulness


329 Cheerfulness

A joyful smile of Nature.

Gaillardia pulchella. Orange red


There is nothing spiritually wrong with being glad and cheerful, on the contrary it is the right thing.



Cheerfulness is the salt of the sadhana. It is a thousand times better than gloominess.



331 Optimism


331 Optimism

More helpful than its opposite.

Erysimum cheiri. Yellow to orange


332 Joy’s call


332 Joy’s call

It is modest and rarely makes itself heard.

Campanula medium. Blue

A hidden Bliss is at the root of things. A mute Delight regards Time’s countless works:  To house God’s joy in things Space gave wide room, To house God’s joy in self our souls were born. This universe an old enchantment guards;   Its objects are carved cups of World-Delight  Whose charmed wine is some deep soul’s rapture-drink: The All-Wonderful has packed heaven with his dreams, He has made blank ancient Space his marvel-house; He spilled his spirit into Matter’s signs:  His fires of grandeur burn in the great sun,  He glides through heaven shimmering in the moon;  He is beauty carolling in the fields of sound;  He chants the stanzas of the odes of Wind; He is silence watching in the stars at night; He wakes at dawn and calls from every bough, Lies stunned in the stone and dreams in flower and tree.



333 Without grief

333 Without grief

The contemplation that leads you beyond suffering.

Saraca indica. Orange



334 Gentleness

334 Gentleness

Always gracious and loves to please.

Lathyrus odoratus. Several colours



335 Vital gentleness

(No comment)

Lathyrus odoratus. Mauve


336 Sweetness

Adds its smiling touch to life without making a fuss.

Momordica charantia. Light yellow


337 Goodwill

Modest in appearance, does not make a show but is

always ready to be useful.

Lobularia maritima. White


338 Courageous goodwill

Fears neither inclemency nor cold, is solid and resistant.

Ilex. White


339 Benevolence

Makes life fragrant without attracting attention.

Reseda odorata. Yellowish white or greenish yellow


340 Good temper

(No comment) L

inum grandiflorum. Bright crimson




341 Balance


341 Balance

Each seeks his own balance in order to stabilise himself.

Begonia. Several colours


342 Perfect balance

One of the most important conditions of a growing peace.

Begonia. Several colours, medium


343 Psychic balance

Under the psychic influence all activity becomes balanced.

Begonia. Pink, small


344 Perfect psychic balance

On the way to transformation.

Begonia. Pink, medium


345 Mental balance

Mind governed by reason.

Begonia. Yellow, small

346 Perfect mental balance

Indispensable for facing the difficulties of life.

Begonia. Yellow, medium


347 Integral balance

It multiplies itself so as not to be static.

Begonia. White, small


348 Perfect integral balance

One is ready for transformation. ,

Begonia. White, medium


349 Balanced use of integral power

In truth, power can only become integral when it is used in a balanced way.

Sinningia speciosa. White  


343 Psychic balance




For all problems of existence are essentially problems of harmony. They arise from the perception of an unsolved discord and the instinct of an undiscovered agreement or unity. To rest content with an unsolved discord is possible for the practical and more animal part of man, but impossible for his fully awakened mind, and usually even his practical parts only escape from the general necessity either by shutting out the problem or by accepting a rough, utilitarian and unillumined compromise. For essentially, all Nature seeks a harmony, life and matter in their own sphere as much as mind in the arrangement of its perceptions.



This manifestation of beauty and harmony is part of the Divine realisation upon earth, perhaps even its greatest part.


350 Harmony

Let us work for the day when this will become both the means and the end.

Antigonon. Several colours


351 Harmony in the vital

To harmonise the vital is a psychological masterpiece. Happy is he who accomplishes it.

Antigonon leptopus. Bright pink


352 Harmony in the material vital

No disputes, no quarrels – the sweetness of a life without clashes.

Antigonon leptopus. Deep pink


353 Integral harmony

Harmony between things, harmony between persons, harmony of circumstances and, above all, harmony of aspirations – all leading to the Supreme Truth.

Antigonon leptopus ‘Album’. White

350 Harmony

 Page- 129

354 Collective harmony




Yes, there is a sublime charity, one which rises from a happy heart, from a serene soul. One who has won inner peace is a herald of deliver- ance wherever he goes, a bearer of hope and joy. Is not this what poor and suffering humanity needs above all things?

Yes, there are certain men whose thoughts are all love, who radiate love, and the mere presence of these individuals is a charity more active, more real than any other. Though they utter no word and make no gesture, yet the sick are relieved, the tormented are soothed, the ignorant are enlightened, the wicked are appeased, those who suffer are consoled. These individuals who, out of love, give themselves to all, who become the servants of all, are the living symbols of the supreme Charity.



354 Collective harmony

Collective harmony is the work undertaken by the Divine Consciousness; it alone has the power to realise it.

Hydrangea. Several colours


355 Conciliation

Likes smooth contacts.

Sesamum indicum. White


356 Charity

Simple and sweet, attentive to the needs of all. Commelina. Sky blue



I was holding one of these flowers [Integral generosity] in my hand when I saw Z, and I explained to him what I meant by it. The effect of the ego, I told him, is to shrivel the being. This is the cause of aging, it shrivels you up like a fading flower, it dries you up.I know that at one point I was talking about the difference between the two states, between the person, the individual personal being, turning towards the Lord, imploring Him to reveal His Will, and then this experience of becoming – by extending oneself, by opening, enlarging, merging into the creation — of becoming the Lord’s Will, the Supreme Will.



357 Generosity

Gives and gives itself without bargaining.

Impatiens balsamina. Several colours


359 Generosity in the vital

Gives itself unstintingly.

Impatiens balsamina. Rose purple


360 Perfect generosity in the vital

(No comment)

Impatiens balsamina. Rose purple, double


361 Psycho-physical generosity

Generosity of thought and act.

Impatiens balsamina. Pink and red


362 Generosity in the physical Loves abundance and loves to give it.

Impatiens balsamina. Red


363 Manifold generosity

All in Nature is spontaneously generous.

Impatiens balsamina. Bicoloured

358 Psychic generosity


358 Psychic generosity

Gives for the joy of giving.

Impatiens balsamina. Pink







This is faithfulness, to admit and to manifest no other movements but only the movements prompted and guided by the Divine.



When I spoke of being faithful to the light of the soul and the divine Call, … I was simply affirming the great need in all crises and attacks, — to refuse to listen to any suggestions, impulses, lures and to oppose to them all the call of the Truth, the imperative beckoning of the Light. In all doubt and depression, to say, "I belong to the Divine, I cannot fail"; to all suggestions of impurity and unfitness, to reply, "I am a child of Immortality  chosen by the Divine; I have but to be true to myself and to Him — the victory is sure; even if I fell, I would rise again"; to  all impulses to depart and serve some smaller ideal, to reply, "This is the greatest, this is the Truth that alone can satisfy the soul within me; I will endure through all tests and tribulations to the very end of the divine journey". This is what I mean by faithfulness to the Light and the Call.         



364 Faithfulness

We can count on You; You never fail us when we need You.

Quisqualis indica. White, pink and red


365 Incorruptible faithfulness

Nothing can turn you from the duty you have chosen.

Carlina acaulis. White or reddish


366 Peace of integral faithfulness

Be faithful to the Divine and you will enjoy constant peace.

Portlandia grandiflora. White


367 Joy of integral faithfulness

That bond of love which makes all faithfulness so easy.

Portlandia grandiflora. White with pink

368 Belief


368 Belief

Simple and candid, does not question.

Clerodendrum. Cream white



369 Aspiration for the right attitude


369 Aspiration for the right attitude

Energetic, willing, determined.

Clerodendrum Xspeciosum. Red, green calyx


370 Aspiration for the right attitude

Energetic, willing, determined.

Clerodendrum thomsoniae. Red, white calyx


371 Right attitude

Simple and open, without complications.

Clerodendrum speciosissimum. Bright orange

To lead the Divine Life does not depend on any exterior activity or circumstances. Whatever you do from the highest work to the most ordinary, you can lead the Divine Life if you are in the true consciousness and the right attitude.



If, in the presence of circumstances that are about to take place, you can take the highest attitude possible – that is, if you put your consciousness in contact with the highest consciousness within reach, you can be absolutely sure that in that case it is the best that can happen to you. … I even go so far as to assert that in each one’s zone of immediate influence, the right attitude not only has the power to turn every circumstance to advantage but can change the very circumstance itself.


372 Right attitude established

There is a moment when the right attitude conies spontaneously and effortlessly. Clerodendrum splendens. Red orange   


372 Right attitude established



373 Enthusiasm


373 Enthusiasm

True enthusiasm is full of a peaceful endurance. Petunia Xhybrida. Many colours


374 Cheerful enthusiasm

The best way of facing life. Joy unites with enthusiasm in action.

Petunia Xhybrida. Many colours, double


375 Enthusiasm in Action

All actions are done with energy and ardour. Petunia Xhybrida. Bicoloured


376 Cheerful Enthusiasm in Action

Action will become joyfully enthusiastic when it is governed by the Supermind. Petunia Xhybrida. Bicoloured, double


377 Psychic enthusiasm

A state that only the Divine can awaken.

Petunia Xhybrida. Light pink

378 Cheerful psychic enthusiasm

An assurance of success in spite of obstacles. Petunia Xhybrida. Light pink, double


379 Enthusiasm in the higher vital

The vital being takes a lively interest in what it does.

Petunia Xhybrida. Pale lavender blue


380 Cheerful enthusiasm in the higher vital

The result of perfect surrender to the Divine. Petunia Xhybrida. Pale lavender blue, double


381 Vital enthusiasm

Care must be taken that it be in the  right direction.

Petunia Xhybrida. Pinkish mauve


382 Cheerful vital enthusiasm

Very precious if it persists in spite of difficulties. Petunia Xhybrida. Pinkish mauve, double


383 Enthusiasm in the most material Vital

Needed to face the difficulties of life successfully. Petunia Xhybrida. Deep purple


384 Cheerful enthusiasm in the most material vital

The most material vital will find its joy in enthusiastic action when it is governed by the Supermind. Petunia Xhybrida. Deep purple, double


385 Physical enthusiasm

The body takes a lively interest in life and action. Petunia Xhybrida. Red


386 Cheerful physical enthusiasm

The whole being lives only to serve the Divine. Petunia Xhybrida. Red, double

387 Integral enthusiasm

The whole being does whatever it does with ardour.

Petunia Xhybrida. White


388 Cheerful integral enthusiasm

To ardour is added the joy of doing things well. Petunia Xhybrida. White, double


376 Cheerful enthusiasm in action



389 Life energy



390 Purified dynamic life energy

389 Life energy

Powerful and manifold, meets all needs.

Dendranthema Xgrandiflorum. Many colours


390 Purified dynamic life energy

Superb, indomitable, all-powerful in its purity.

Dendranthema Xgrandiflorum. White


391 Supramentalised life energy

Manifold and supple, it has an immortal resistance.

Dendranthema Xgrandiflorum. Orange yellow


392 Life energy in the vital

Supple and resistant, it is tireless.

Dendranthema Xgrandiflorum. Light mauve


393 Life energy in the material

(No comment)

Dendranthema Xgrandiflorum. Golden red


394 Specialised detailed energy

Nothing is too small to merit its attention.

Chrysanthemum. Several colours


394 Specialised detailed energy



Life energy], life-force is not physical in itself; it is not material energy, but rather a different principle supporting Matter and involved in it. It supports and occupies all forms and without it no physical form could have come into being or could remain in being. It acts in all material forces such as electricity and is nearest to self-manifestation in those that are nearest to pure force; no material force could exist or act without it, for from it they derive their energy and movement and they are its vehicles.



The true Life-Force too reveals itself as no longer this troubled harassed divided striving surface energy, but a great and radiant Divine Power, full of peace and strength and bliss, a wide-wayed Angel of life with its wings of Might unfolding the universe.





395 Organised material energy

Clustered, compact and methodical, it is powerful through its organisation.

Schefflera actinophylla. Dull red


396 Energy turned towards the Divine

The power of realisation offers itself in service to the Divine.

Lawsonia inermis. Cream yellow or red



 395 Organised material energy


396 Energy turned towards the Divine



399 Energy of a plastic mind


400 Physical plasticity

397 Plasticity

Always ready for the necessary progress.

Tagetes. Several colours


398 Mental plasticity

Indispensable for true knowledge.

Tagetes erecta. Yellow


399 Energy of a plastic mind

Does not draw back from any effort to progress.

Tagetes erecta ‘Spun Yellow’. Bright yellow


400 Physical plasticity

One of the important conditions for transformation.

Tagetes erecta. Yellow or orange with maroon


401 Detailed plasticity

The plasticity needed to constantly progress.

Tagetes patula. Several colours



401 Detailed plasticity



That which can easily change its form is "plastic". Figuratively, it is suppleness, the capacity to adapt to circumstances or necessities. When I ask you to be plastic in relation to the Divine, I mean not to resist the Divine with the rigidity of preconceived ideas and fixed principles.



The physical being and physical consciousness must be very plastic to be able to lend themselves to all the necessary changes, so as to be one way one day, another way the next, and so on.



Supramental plasticity is an attribute of finally transformed Matter. The supramental body which has to be brought into being here has four main attributes: lightness, adaptability, plasticity and luminosity. . . . Supramental plasticity will enable it to stand the attack of every hostile force which strives to pierce it: it will present no dull resistance to the attack but will be, on the contrary, so pliant as to nullify the force by giving way to it to pass off. Thus it will suffer no harmful consequences and the most deadly attacks will leave it unscathed.



402 Supramentalised plasticity


402 Supramentalised plasticity

One of the stages on the way to transformation. Tagetes erecta. Orange to orange yellow



True courage, in its deepest sense, is to be able to face everything, everything in life, from the smallest things to the greatest, from material things to things of the spirit, without a shudder, without physically . . . without the heart beginning to beat faster, without the nerves trembling, without the slightest emotion in any  part of the being. Face everything with a constant awareness of the Divine Presence, a total self giving to the Divine, and the whole being unified in this will; then you can go forward in life and  face anything whatever.



403 Courage  Bold, it faces all dangers,  Calotropis gigantea. Mauve


404 Integral courage

"Whatever the domain, whatever the danger, the attitude remains the same – calm and assured. Calotropis gigantea. White


405 Vital courage

Must be controlled to be beneficial.

Solanum melongena. Purple

403 Courage


405 Vital courage

406 Bravery

406 Bravery

Fears nothing and knows how to stand up against


Amaranthus tricolor ‘Molten Fire’. Deep mauve



407 Fearlessness in action

408 Fearlessness


409 Fearlessness in the vital

Pear is an impurity, one of the greatest impurities, one of those which come most directly from the anti-divine forces which want to destroy the divine action on earth; and the first duty of those who really want to do yoga is to eliminate from their consciousness, with all the might, all the sincerity, all the endurance they are capable of, even the shadow of fear. 



407 Fearlessness in action

Manifold, unfettered and fearless.

Amaranthus caudatus. Dull magenta


408 Fearlessness

Without fear or hesitation, it will obey the Divine’s command.

Solanum torvum. White


409 Fearlessness in the vital

Goes straight to its goal and fears no inclemency. Solanum melongena. Light lavender and white




410  Heroic action


410 Heroic action

Fights for the true and the beautiful without fear of obstacles or opposition.

Arrhostoxylum costatum. Bright red


412 Spontaneous boldness

One of the results of perfect trust in the Divine.

Celosia argentea. Green


413 Mental boldness

May our mind be capable of foreseeing the  perfections of tomorrow. Celosia argentea. Yellow


414 Vital boldness

Should submit to reason.

Celosia argentea. Dark red


415 Physical boldness

Nothing seems impossible in its consecration  to the Divine. Celosia argentea. Red

Vigilance means to be awake, to be on guard, to be sincere – never to be taken by surprise. When you want to do sadhana, at every moment of your life there is a choice between taking a step that leads to the goal and falling asleep or sometimes even going backwards, telling yourself, "Oh, later on, not immediately" — sitting down on the way.







411 Boldness


411 Boldness

Do fearlessly what has to be done, dreading  no difficulty.

Celosia argentea. Many colours



416 Vigilance


419 Sentry

416 Vigilance

Indispensable for all true progress.

Pentapetes phoeniceae. Red orange


417 Perfect vigilance

Nothing is neglected in its observation.

Magnolia grandiflora. Ivory white


418 The guardian

Vigilant and thorny, it knows how to protect  what it guards.

Acanthus ilicifoliw. Deep blue


419 Sentry

Ever awake.

Clematis. White


417 Perfect vigilance



422 Straightforwardness


Truth is the door of the spirit’s Ananda, its beatific nature.



The Truth is not a dogma one can learn once and for all and impose as a rule. The Truth is infinite like the Supreme Lord, and it manifests at every moment to those who are sincere and attentive.



We shall perceive that the truth we seek is made up of four major aspects: Love, Knowledge, Power and Beauty. These four attributes of the Truth will express themselves spontaneously in our being. The psychic will be the vehicle of true and pure love, the mind will be the vehicle of infallible knowledge, the vital will manifest an invincible power and strength, and the body will be the expression of a perfect beauty and harmony. 




420 Effort towards the Truth

Should exist in all men of goodwill.

Dillenia suffruiticosa. Lemon yellow


421 Absolute truthfulness

Must govern one’s life if one wants to be close to the Divine.

Solandra maxima. Cream to light yellow


422 Straightforwardness

Shows itself as it is, without compromising.

Ixora pavetta. Off-white


423 Frankness

Says frankly what it has to say without caring for the result.

Gerbera jamesonii. Several colours


423 Frankness



424 Never tell a lie



Those who are not straightforward cannot profit by the Mother’s help, for they themselves turn it away. Unless they change, they cannot hope for the descent of the supramental Light and Truth into the lower vital and physical nature; they remain stuck in their own self-created mud and cannot progress.




It is never good to tell a lie, but here its results can only be disastrous, for falsehood is the very symbol of that which wants to oppose the divine work of Truth.



To speak always the truth is the highest tide of nobility.


424 Never tell a lie

Absolute condition for safety on the path. Pereskia. Pink


425 Spiritual speech

All-powerful in its simplicity.

Asparagus densiflorus ‘Sprengeri’. White



425 Spiritual speech


426 Power of expression


426 Power of expression

It is the power to manifest that which is latent. Antirrhinum majus. Many colours

433 Progressive expression

427 Power of psychic expression

The psychic gets its power of expression when it governs the whole being.

Antirrhinum majus. Pink


428 Power of mental expression

Has value only when it is at the service of  the Divine.

Antirrhinum majus. Yellow


429 Power of vital expression

Is useful only when the vital is converted.

Antirrhinum majus. Purple to violet


430 Power of physical expression

One of the benefits of conversion.

Antirrhinum majus. Red


431 Power of integral expression

Nothing is too difficult for it to say.

Antirrhinum majus. White with yellow


432 Power of manifold expression

The result of suppleness and plasticity.

Antirrhinum majus. Multicoloured


433 Progressive expression

What you cannot say today, you will know how to say tomorrow.

Antirrhinum majus. Many colours




The power of expression comes by getting in touch with the inner source from which these things come.



For a certain state of consciousness there is not a word, not a gesture, not an action which does not express a deeper or higher reality, more lasting, more essential, more true; and once one has seen and felt this, everything takes on a meaning, and one sees more clearly how things ought to be organised, arranged so that a deeper truth may be expressed even better than it is at present.



The truest expression comes out of an absolute inner silence.



434 Abundant expression

Has much to say and says it fully.

Celosia argentea. Golden yellow


435 Joyful expression

It enjoys itself and gives enjoyment to others.

Celosia argentea. Golden orange


436 Eloquence

We know how to express ourselves in a convincing way.

Alpinia zerumbet. White


437 To know how to say what is needed

Neither too many words nor too few — just what is needed.

Alpinia galanga. White



438 No quarrels


All quarrels proceed from egoism which pushes its own opinion and affirms its own importance, considering that it is right and everybody else wrong and thus creates anger and sense of injury etc. These things must not be indulged, but rejected at once.



As for ill-will, jealousy, quarrels and reproaches, one must sincerely be above all that and reply with a benevolent smile to the bitterest words; and unless one is absolutely sure of oneself and one’s reactions, it would be better, as a general rule, to keep silent.



To be above offence or insult makes one truly great.


438 No quarrels

A very important condition to fulfil in order to facilitate the advent of the Supermind. Gloriosa superba. Greenish yellow


439 Boastfulness

One of the greatest obstacles to progress. A stupidity  one must carefully avoid if one aspires for true  progress.

Parkia pedunculata. Brown


439 Boastfulness



440 Gossip


The Mother’s warning to you against the undesirability of too much talk, loose chat and gossip, social self-dispersion was entirely meant and stands; when you indulge in these things, you throw yourself out into a very small and ignorant consciousness in which your vital defects get free play and this is likely to bring you out of what you have developed in your inner consciousness.



I myself have had the experience that one can be fully concentrated and be in union with the Divine even while working physically with one’s hands; but naturally this asks for a little practice, and for this the most important thing to avoid is useless talking. It is not work but useless talking that takes us away from the Divine.


440 Gossip

Dark and pointed, this is a flower that wounds more than it charms.

Typhonium blumei. Deep maroon


441 Sharp tongue

Unfortunately too frequent. Aphelandra tetragona. Orange


441 Sharp tongue


442 To know how to listen




Always do what you do with care. 



Any work done with care becomes interesting. 



The Divine is in things also and that is why they must be treated with care.



Yes, and we must take care of [material things], not because we are attracted to them, but because they too manifest something of the Divine Consciousness.




442 To know how to listen

To be attentive and silent. Podranea ricasoliana. Light pink to lavender pink


443 Observation

Likes to prolong its attention in order to  see better.

Senecio. Yellow green


444 Care

To be careful in what one does.

Chlorophytum comosum ‘Vittatum’. White



There is only one thing to do: to proceed on one’s way keeping one’s own faith and certitude, and not bother about contradictions and denials. There are people who need the support and trust and certitude of others to feel comfortable and to be at ease; they are always unhappy because, of course, they will always come across people who do not believe, and so they will be upset and it will trouble them. One must find one’s own certitude within oneself, keep it in spite of everything and go one’s way whatever the cost, to the very end. The victory is for the most enduring. To maintain one’s endurance in spite of all opposition, the support must be unshakable, and one support alone is unshakable, that of the Reality, the Supreme Truth.



445 Prudence

Very useful for weakness since weakness needs prudence; strength does not need it.

Emilia sonchifolia. Scarlet


446 Enlightened prudence

Looks carefully before going forward.

Emilia sonchifolia ‘Lutea’. Golden yellow


447 Common sense

It is very practical and avoids many mistakes, but  it lacks flight.

Nicotiana alata. Several colours


448 Certitude

Assured and calm, it never argues.

Nicotiana plumbaginifolia. White


449 Unostentatious certitude



[Unostentatious certitude] is the complete negation of "bluff"* I find it very beautiful. When I saw this flower, it struck me as something very profound, very calm — and absolutely sure, something unmoving. I don’t know why, but the longer I looked at it, the more it gave me that impression and when I was asked its significance, I said, "Unostentatious certitude". It is what one might call a superlative good taste in spiritual experience, something that contains more than it expresses.





449 Unostentatious certitude

It does not attract attention or try to convince anyone.

Platycodon grandifloms. Lavender blue


