Works of Sri Aurobindo

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Be perfectly faithful and sincere towards your true Self.

Allow no deception to creep into your consecration to the Divine.

1 January 1934

Insincerity leads on the path to ruin.


In your sadhana what is important is sincerity at every point; if there is that, mistakes can be rectified and do not so much matter. If there is any insincerity, that pulls down the sadhana at once. But whether this constant sincerity is there or there is any falling off from it at any point, is a thing you must learn to see in yourself; if there is the earnest and constant will for it, the power to see will come. Sincerity does not at all depend on satisfying other sit is an inner matter and lies solely between you and me.

 12 May 1939

Be sincere and I am ready to correct your mistakes a thousand times if necessary.


Those who are sincere, I can help and turn easily towards the Divine. But where there is insincerity I can do very little.

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I feel sincerely that I want the Divine and nothing else. But when I am in contact with other people, when I am busy with things without any value, I naturally forget the Divine, my one goal. Is it insincerity? If not, then what does it mean?


Yes. It is insincerity of the being, in which one part wants the Divine and another part wants something else.

It is through ignorance and stupidity that the being is insincere. But with a persevering will and an absolute confidence in the Divine Grace, one can cure this insincerity.


As long as there is within a person the possibility of an inner conflict, it means that there is still in him some insincerity.


Any inner conflict is the sign of a lack of sincerity.


Only those who are already very sincere know that they are not completely sincere.

17 June 1954

When you are sure that you have attained absolute sincerity, you may be certain that you have plunged into falsehood.


It is no use thinking that one is very sincere. It is useless to  

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think that one is not sincere. What is useful is to be sincere.


All division in the being is an insincerity.

The greatest insincerity is to dig an abyss between your body and the truth of your being.

When an abyss separates the true being from the physical being, Nature fills it up immediately with all kinds of adverse suggestions, the most formidable of which is fear, and the most pernicious, doubt.

Allow nothing anywhere to deny the truth of your being this is sincerity.

 7 July 1957

Before the Eternal Consciousness a drop of sincerity has more value than an ocean of pretension and hypocrisy.


I need not seem if I am.

It is better to be than to seem.

No need of seeming when one is.


I need not appear to be good if my sincerity is perfect.

It is better to be than to seem.


Be honest towards yourself (no self-deception). Be sincere towards the Divine (no bargaining in the surrender).        

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Be straightforward with humanity (no pretence and show).

25 June 1963

Human beings for the most part have the inveterate habit of deceiving themselves. They deceive themselves in hundreds of different ways, each more slyly tricky and subtle than the other, and all this with at once a perfect candour and a perfect insincerity.


Whoever does Yoga sincerely is bound to have the calm and the strength needed to face all circumstances.

But innumerable are those who deceive themselves, believe they are doing Yoga but only partially do so and are still full of contradictions.

 20 April 1966

            Sweet Mother, how does one do Yoga?


Be wholly sincere, never try to deceive others. And try never to deceive yourself.


                                                                                                                                                                   17 February 1968  

Do not try to deceive the Divine.


The important point is to be more and more sincere, always more sincere so that you never deceive yourself in the integrality of your aspiration.  

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This sincerity brings the sure help of the divine Grace.



It is easy to see that the mistakes are due to a lack of sincerity in the being the only way out of it is to become sincere. You have been given the power of will and of knowledge for that purpose.

 9 March 1968

It is not necessary to wait for the others to become sincere in order to become sincere yourself.

 9 March 1968

The greatest enemies of a perfect sincerity are preferences (either mental, vital or physical) and preconceived ideas. It is these obstacles that must be overcome. 

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