Works of Sri Aurobindo

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Record of Yoga



Sept. 13

Sortilege इहोप यात शवसो नपातः सौधन्वना ॠभवो माप भूत |

अस्मिन्हि वः सवने रत्नधेयं गमन्तविन्द्रमनु वो मदासः ||


An exact application to the circumstances of the Yoga. The Ribhus are the gods of formation who proceed from the divine Tapas ( शवसो नपातः) and use it to form thought, action & condition. This formative process is now the course of the Yoga (अस्मिन्हि वः सवने ) and the delight of the ananda in the formative action is becoming habitual to the mind-force( रत्नधेयं इन्द्रं ). At the moment, however, asiddhi had attacked, bringing defect of formation, defect of ananda[,] trouble & deficiency in the mind (defect of धन्वन् ). Hence the इह यात माप भूत .


Lipi “17th September.” (akasha, varnamaya)

Typical Trikaldrishti

A frog hopping in one direction, with no sign of turning. A turn at a sharp right angle indicated & the exact line of subsequent passage indicated; fulfilled but not in the place perceived.

Another frog comes from the opposite direction; indication that the bodies of the two frogs will meet one leaping on the other, although the lines of their motion were not such as to promise meet ing. The smaller frog turned away & began hopping in the opposite direction, but the larger pursued & sprang upon it, thus fulfilling the trikaldrishti, but with a variation of circumstance which had not been foreseen.  


Sept. 15

Two crows descend into the road behind the wall fighting & are invisible. Indication that they will immediately rise above the wall fighting in the air & part. Fulfilled precisely, though the trikaldrishti itself was not jyotirmaya.