Works of Sri Aurobindo

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                                                                          I.  FORMS AND ACTION OF LIGHTS AND COLOURS

                                                                          II. SYMBOLS AND IMAGES OF VISION




Action of Light



IT depends upon the colour of the Light. In  any case it is the Light of Force from above. All lights are indications of a Force or Power. It is the work of the Lights and the Forces they represent to act in their descent on the lower nature and change it.




IT is not necessary or possible to define. Light is light just like the light you see, only subtle—it clarifies the consciousness and works as a force and makes knowledge possible.




Action and Forms of Light


LIGHT is a general term. Light is not knowledge but the illumination that comes from above and liberates the being from obscurity and darkness.

But this Light also assumes different forms such as the white light of the Mother, the golden light of the Truth, the psychic light (pink and rose), etc.



The Mother and the Lights


ALL the lights are put out by the Mother from herself.

The Mother’s White Light


THE lights are the Mother’s Powers—many in number. The white light is her own characteristic power, that of the Divine Consciousness in its essence.




Action of Mother’s Light


THE White Light is the Mother’s light. Wherever it descends or enters, it brings peace, purity, silence and the openness to the higher forces. If it comes below the navel, that means that it is working in the lower vital.



White and Blue Colours


WHITE is the colour of the light of the Mother’s Consciousness—Chit. Blue is the fundamental colour of the Ananda.


Deep, Pale and Whitish Blue


THERE are many blues and it is difficult to say which these are. Usually the deeper blue is higher Mind, a paler blue is Illumined Mind—whitish blue Sri Krishna’s light.


Pale Blue and Whitish Blue


IT (the significance) depends on the shade of the blue. Ordinary pale blue is usually the light of the Illumined Mind or something of the Intuition. Whitish blue is Krishna’s light.




THE Sunlight is the light of the Truth itself—whatever power of Truth it may be—while the other lights derive from the Truth.





The Sunlight is the direct light of the Truth; when it gets fused into the vital, it takes the mixed colour —here gold and green—just as in the physical it becomes golden red or in the mental golden yellow.


November 1933


Golden Light and Sun


GOLDEN Light always means the light of Truth—but the nature of the Truth varies according to the plane to which it belongs. Light is the light of Consciousness, Truth, Knowledge—the Sun is the concentration or source of the Light.



Golden Light



THE golden light is a light from the Supermind, but naturally it is modified in the plane in which it works. It becomes light of Truth in the Overmind, light of Truth in the intuition.






The golden light is that of the modified (over-mentalised) Supramental, i.e., the Supramental  Light passing through the Overmind, Intuition, etc., and becoming the Light of Truth in each of these things. When it is golden red it means the same modified Supramental-physical Light,—the Light of Divine Truth in the physical.



Golden and White Light


THEY have always the same meaning. The white light is that of the pure conscious force from which all the rest come. The golden light is that of the Divine Truth on the higher planes.


October 1933

Yellow and Golden Light


IT is again the ascent into one of the higher planes of mind illumined with the light of the Divine Truth. Yellow is the light of mind growing brighter as one goes higher till it meets the golden light  of the Divine Truth.




Golden Colour and Mahakali Force


THE spiritual Power is naturally more free on its own level than in the body. The golden colour indicates here Mahakali force which is the strongest for the working in the body.

Golden Red Light



IT is not clear yet. Golden red is the colour of the Supramental physical light—so this yellow red may indicate some plane of the overmind in which there is a nearer special connection with that. The golden red light has a strong transforming power.





Red is the colour of the physical—touched by the higher Light it becomes golden red.




Deep Red Light



IT is the material consciousness that the deep red  light comes to transform.





The deep red light is a light that comes down into the physical for its change. It is associated with the sunlight and the golden light.


November 1933

The Colour of Psychic Light


THE colour of the psychic light is according to what it manifests—e.g., psychic love is pink or rose, the psychic purity is white, etc.


February 1934


The Rosy Light—Worlds of Neutral Peace


THE rosy light is that of love—so probably you entered the psychic worlds—or at least one of them.

As for the experiences described in the other letter, it seems to have been a passage through worlds of neutral peace which to the mind are a darkness and stand in the way to the full light.


September 1933



Some Usual Symbols


FIRE, lights, sun, moon are usual symbols and seen by most in Sadhana. They indicate movement or action of inner forces. The Sun means the inner truth.




The Sun


THE Sun is the divine Truth-Light on whatever  plane of consciousness. It is, I suppose, the original Cosmic Truth that is here indicated.



The sun is the symbol of the concentrated light of Truth….


The Moon

THE moon indicates spirituality, sometimes also spiritual Ananda.



The Star


THE star signifies a creation or formation or the promise or power of a creation or formation.




The Dawn


DAWN always means an opening of some kind—the coming of something that is not yet fully there.


December 1933

The Sky and the Ether


THE sky is a symbol of the mental consciousness (or the psychic) or other consciousnesses above the mind—e.g., the higher mind, intuition, overmind, etc. Sky as the ether indicates also the infinite.


January 1934

The Blue Sky and the Moon


THE blue sky is that of the Higher Mind—the nearest of the planes between human mentality and the Supermind. The moon here is the symbol of spirituality in the mental planes. The world of the Higher Mind is above those directly connected with the body-consciousness.


October 1933


The Seven Planes—Skies and Seas


SAT, Chit, Ananda, Supermind, Mind, Life, Matter are the seven planes described in the Veda—but in this Yoga one sees many levels of consciousness. which appear as skies or else as seas.


Explanation of some Vision Symbols



THE first sea is the ordinary consciousness, the second sea is the higher consciousness over which is the Sun of Truth. The mountain represents the ascending planes of the higher consciousness. The journey in the train is the passage from one consciousness to another.






The sea with the sun over it is a plane of consciousness lit by the Truth. To enter into the rays  is to be no longer merely lit by it, but in one’s own conscious being to begin to become a part of the Truth.





PATALA simply means the subconscient below the Earth—the Earth being the conscious physical plane.



The Mountain



THE mountain is the symbol of the embodied consciousness based upon earth but rising up towards the Divine.






The mountain always represents the ascending hill of existence with the Divine to be reached on the summits.



The River


THE river represents some movement of the consciousness. All these are images of the vital plane.



The Tree


THE tree is the symbol of subconscient vital.



The Cow and the Milk


IT is quite clear; it is the Vedic image. In the Veda the Cow is the Divine Light—the white cow is the pure consciousness in which there is the Light. The milk is the Knowledge and Power descending from the Divine Consciousness.



The Horse


THE Horse is Power, usually Life-Power, but also it may mean Mind-Power or Tapas if it is dynamic and mobile.


November 1933

The Horse and the White Calf

As for the two dreams you wrote about in your shorter letter of the 1st May, the one about the horses is not so clear as the other about the white calf. But the horse is always the symbol of Power;  it must be then a Power which you were trying to catch, and make your own while sometimes it was


trying to come up with you, perhaps to use you. This is what happens in the vital where there are these uncertain and elusive movements. The high platform was evidently the level of a higher Consciousness which stilled this fluctuating movement and made control of the Power more possible, as it  became still and clear.

The white calf is the sign of a pure and clear  consciousness,—the cow or calf being the symbol of Light in the consciousness, something psychic or spiritual that you felt natural and intimate to you and inseparable.


The Elephant


THE elephant is Strength—sometimes illumined with Wisdom.


The Lion


THE lion indicates force and courage, and strength. and power. The lower vital is not lion-like.



The Lion of Durga—The Death’s Head

THE lion is the attribute of the Goddess Durga, the conquering and protecting aspect of the Universal Mother.

The Death’s Head is the symbol of the Asura (the adversary of the gods) vanquished and killed by the Divine Power.



The Bull


THE bull is an emblem of strength and force. It is also in the Veda an image of the Gods, the male power in Nature. Again, the bull is vāhanā of Shiva. It may be a dream or an experience of any of these symbols, but is probably the first here.



The Goat


THE goat in vision is often symbolic of lust.

September 1933


The Snake



THE snake indicates some kind of energy always— oftener bad, but it also can indicate some luminous or divine energy. In this experience it is an ascent of some force from the physical upwards. The other details are not clear.



The snake in your dream is a hostile force—a force of evil. When one is an instrument of the divine forces, they can be met and destroyed and their attack becomes harmless or has insignificant results.


May 1933

The Serpent


THE serpent is a symbol of Energy as in the symbol of the Kundalini Shakti—here it is the Energy of the Divine Light and Force.


The Hooded Serpent

THE serpent with the hood over the head generally indicates future siddhi.



The Lotus—The Swan—The Interlaced Serpents

and the Six-hooded Serpent



THE Lotus is the symbol of the opening of the centres to the Light. The Swan is the Indian symbol of the individual soul, the central being, the divine part which is turned towards the Divine, descending from there and ascending to it.

The two serpents interlaced are the two channels in the spine, through which the Shakti moves upward and downward.

The serpent with the six hoods is the Kundalini Shakti, the divine power asleep in the lowest physical centre which, awakened in the Yoga, ascends in light through the opening centres to meet the Divine in the highest centre and so connect the manifest and the unmanifested, joining spirit and Matter.





 THE Energy in the Kundalini is the Mother’s.



The Opening Lotuses and the Swan


THE opening of the lotuses in your experience means, I suppose, the opening of the true vital and physical  consciousness in which the spiritual being (the Swan) can manifest with all the consequences of that opening.



The Swan and the Lotus



THE swan is the liberated soul, the lotus is either the consciousness reddening to the colour of Divine Love or else the symbol of the Divine Presence on earth.



THE Swan is a symbol of the soul on the higher plane.

November 1933




LOTUS flower indicates open consciousness.


The Hansa



THE Hansa is the symbol of the being—it regains its original purity as it rises until it becomes luminous in the Highest Truth.





Hansa is the Soul or being. All the parts become reflections of the original Being, the Divine.


The Bird


THE bird is a symbol of the individual soul.



Red Flowers


RED flowers would ordinarily indicate an opening of the consciousness either in the physical or some part of the vital according to the shade.


The Red Purusha


IT seems to be an opening of various powers and the peace, light and wideness of the spiritual consciousness. The red Purusha may be the Power of the true physical—red being the colour of the physical.

September 1933

The Child



A DREAM like this of a child—especially a new-born child—usually signifies the birth (or the awakening) of the soul or psychic being in the outward nature.






The child usually signifies the psychic being— new-born in the sense that it at last comes to the surface. The colour of the cloth would mean that it comes with health (internal and external or both) and the spiritual riches.



The child (when it does not mean the psychic being) is usually the symbol of something new-born in some part of the consciousness. Red indicates many different things according to the shade.



The Sudarshan Chakra


THE (Sudarshan) Chakra symbolises the action of Sri Krishna’s force.



The Piece of Flesh


THE piece of flesh indicates something restless in the physical being which stands by its restlessness and excessive irritability in the way of the full flow of the Ananda. In the dreams this became active and was eliminated by the pressure of the psychic.



The Image of Journeying

THE image of journeying always signifies a movement in life or a progress in sadhana.



Aeroplane, Steamer and Train


AEROPLANE, steamer and train are always symbols of a rapid progress or forward movement.

