Works of Sri Aurobindo

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Farewell Flute*


 A Flute of farewell calls and calls,

      Farewell to earthly things:

But when shall I the message learn

      That high-voiced music sings ?

Earth’s pleasures come like scented winds,

      Invite a mortal clasp:

I seek to keep them in my clutch,

      Captives of a vain grasp!

How shall thy nectar fill this cup,

      Brimming with passion’s wine?

Only when the turn of day is done

      Thy starry lamps can shine,

Ever to the eager cry of hope

      Re-echoes the heart’s lyre,

Will it answer to thy Song of songs

      That climbs beyond desire ?

Arise now in my shadowy soul

      And let it sing farewell

To the near glow, the intimate voice,

      Familiar conch and bell!

For little lights I crave no more,

      Now shall I silently

Turn towards my heaven and greater home:

      Thy far Eternity.


* Dilip Kumar Roy 

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